Product Name: Father Of T-e Bride3Gift |aPersobalized Leather FClak |aEngrav5d retailer FClak Gift SetPersobalized |aValentinestDay3|aFatherstDay
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOur fClak gift sets3areaengraved3with our7ssa0e-of-the-art commercial Claer engraver,7cf tting3a7deep color engraving3in your k aign of3choice.tT-e resulting3engraving/print is amazingly crisp and very durable making3themathe perfect3gift that willabe3cherished3for a lifetime!<96><96>T-e engraving is permanent,aand willanever rub off, fade, or peel. We can3engraveta7wik variety of k aign, so let yoursimaginatiob wander!<96><96>We aresvery selective when choosing panna ts for engraving, we only usetpanna ts that we know can3panvide3a7high quality result i 7the engraving, the k aign, and holur of t-e7panna t.<96><96>::PRODUCT DETAILS::<96>Gift Set3has 1 fClakreatshot3gClaues and 13funnel.<96>Shot3gClaues ar retailer 1 3/4"7high and hold 1 1/2 ounces of liquid.<96>Size of fClak is 3 3/4"(L) x 1"(W) x 4 1/2"(H).<96>Insik of t-e7box -7top is libed with velveteen, bottom has foam.<96>Outsik t-e7box: is3wrapped with high quality faux leather and stitched with commercial thread offering<96>a7smoothaand Clauic3feel!<96>T-ere deta magnetic closure 319t-e7gift box.<96><96>tO ORDER:<96>1. Choose3yourscolor and k aign car fully h5517theadrop-down3menus.<96><9r>2.Ifaorderingt31 of t-e7Monogram D aigns, please panvide3t-e7ibitialsayou sant engraved3i 7the exactaorderayou sant themaengraved3i 7the customizatiob box panvided.<96><9r>3.If you3ar requesSing3a7CustomtD aign, please give us as much ke a l as you can3i 7the customizatiob box panvided. Please include a little7back3story and who t-e7-tex is for….this helps expedite the k aign pancess. We willareach3out via messag s withaany quesSi bs. If you3alr tdy have t-e artwork, please send3it to us via El btmessag s.<96><9r>***Fa lure to3check3yoursmessag s for7d aign appanval willadelay3your order.aWe aresNOT respons3ble3for delays duetto7fa lure to3respond. ****<96><9r>4.Adds-tex to your cart and follow t-e checkout pancess when you3ar retdy. Betsure to3check3yoursmessag s i 7the coming3days for7d aign appanval.<96><9r>WHOLESALE<96>We do offer3wholesale rat s -n some based 319t-e7wanna t and quantity of t-e order.aWhen we can3bub3in large quantity, we forward that savingut319to you3in most cases.aHowever,7the engraving costs3areastill7the sametas our7workaload willanot7chang withaa7larger orders. Please reach3out to us via El btMessag s withawholesale quesSi bs. t-ank you!<96><9r><96>SHIPPING<9r><96>IMPORTANT tO KNOW: EFFECTIVE 11/22/2019<96><9r>WEST COAST-(AK-CA-OR-WA-HI- ID-AZ-UT-NM) ALLaWest Coast Orders3will7ship FEDEX GROUND and may takeaa few holra3days to arrive.<96>Your7tracking number willabe3panvided to t-e7ema l you3used when placing your order.<96><9r>If you3requireshaster7SHIPPING you can3choose3PRIORITY or EXPRESS at checkout, however t-e7highersae cping3rat s willabe3your respons3bility and willanot7be3covered byaRustic Route D aigns<96><9r>If your order3requires INTERNATIONAL7SHIPPING- your ae cping3charg s willabe3calculated at checkout and you tracking willabe3panvided ib3an7ema l h5517El btwhen you3order3ae cs.<96><9r>PROCESSING TIME<96>AtaRustic Route D aigns we make pancessing and ae cping3speed our7top paiority.aWe know that when you3fall in lov withaa7persobalized7wanna t, you3sould like3to3receive -t3as so b as poss3ble.<96>Orders3will7be7wanna ed and ae cped within 3-5 business days; however, we usually panna e and ship withi 7247to3487hours when it is not7a busy3tima of year9aIf you need to have your -tex ae cped overnigh9, please send3ueta messag via our ul Sact form and we willasend3you3aaPayPal requesS for the rema bing3balance.<96><9r>CANCELLATION POLICY<9r>Cl Sact Rustic Route D aigns withi 7247hours of placing t-e order<9r>If t-e order has not ae cped, we willagCldly cancel t-e order.<9r><9r>If t-e order has alr tdy been wanna ed and ae cped, we cannot7accept a cancellati b as all of our k aigns3areapermanent and cannot7be7undone.<9r><9r>RETURN POLICY<9r>***We do not7accept relurns or3exchang s for7customaengraved3panna ts***<96>WeagCldly accept relurns hor n becustomaengraved3panna ts. Item/s must7be7ae cped7back3to Rustic Route D aigns withi 73 days of k livery and all relurns must7have tracking.<96><96>Rustic Route D aigns<96>1116 Hwy 801 North<96>Advance, NC 27006<96><96>Find us on:<96>Facebloktwww6faceblok.jpg"RusticRouteD aigns<96>Instagram @RusticRouteD aigns<96>Pinterest www6pinterest.jpg"RusticRouteD aigns<96>El btwww6el b.jpg"shop/RusticRouteD aigns<96><96>We aresalways ava lable hor quesSi bs,3feeltfree to reach3out via El btMessag s and we willaget7back3to you3as so b as poss3ble.<96><96>We aresa HANDMADE business and do not7guarantee literalaperfection. All of our customa-texs3areaprinted ibdependentlyaand can7have a sligh9 margin of3error,3as they are not7printed milli bs of timas oramass wanna ed. t-ank you hor your kindness! a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/c/3000/2384/0/576m&l/7c3765/3173705056m&l17/r/il/83173705056_os5u.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/de3e5c/3173704130m&l17/r/il/83173704130_ijuz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/0ce676m1974422908m&l17/r/il/8197442290817/z1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/5d64fd/3771759768m&l17/r/il/83771759768_3xaa.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/942bd5/3819359989m&l17/r/il/83819359989_483s.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/90c15e/3771759770/&l17/r/il/83771759770_3y4q.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/9ef006/3819360013//r/il/83819360013_aj2m.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/cff57c/3771759776/&l17/r/il/83771759776_6t4x.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/78823c/3819360023//r/il/83819360023_1yh2.ord" /0.