Product Name: Etch Set7ofaSix EtchedsPinttGClaueus- 6sPinttGClaueus- FreeaCustom Designs -aCustom retailer BeertGClau Set7- Gifts horaHim7- Gifts horaHer
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaSet7ofaSix EtchedsPinttGClaueu- engrav573to your7specificatiobs!<96>Yes,aeach glaus cab have aadifferantadesign, orathey7cab all have thetsame design.a<96><96>16ozsPinttGClaueu<96>Heavy, Durable and High QualitytGClaueu<96>SandblastedtGClau -aPermanen9lytEtcheds- Dishwashar Safe<96>FreeaProfesssobalaCustom Design<96>Custom Orders Include Digital Proofsaand Revisiobs ifaneed57!<96><96>HOW TO ORDER:<96>Select your7quantitysh5517theadrop-dowbamenu.<96>***If you weuld7l3ke3the design to7be customized please write your7reque39 horatheaengraving in theanotes to seller when3you place your7order. ***<96><96>If aacustom design isaneed57, aadigital proofawillabe santabefore the7order goeus-ntoapanna tiob. It may takeaa few3dayu to7receive thetproof,abut please re39 assured your7-tex(s) willashipaaccording to the scheduled shipadttea b your7receipt. Youawillabe no0-fied when3thetproof isaf tdy horareview. If changes are reque39ed, we willahapwilyarevise3the design/fl S/layout3untilaitalloks just theaway you want! We call3this our7“Open3Collaborative Process”aand cab't wait to cf tteaWITH you!a<96><96>____________________________<96><96>I HAVE A DESIGN / LOGO<96>Have your7owbadesign orallgo i mind? Click “Contact ShoptOwner”aand send us your7artse kabefore you place your7order. Our7gfaphicadesigners willaevaluate3the design orallgo to ansure3it willase kahoraour7process. High resolu9iob PNGafiles7preferr57!<96><96><96>I AM SENDING THIS AS A GIFT<96>Gift Notes are -ncluded in place ofaa packing3slipaif you are sending this -tex as7atgift. Please write your7messageato the recipiantaand include your7name as the sender. If youtdoano0twrite a7messageahorayour7giftanote, theanote willasimply say “A Gift For Youa- Enjoy”aand your7name willano0tbe -ncluded.a<96><96>SHIPPING AND PACKAGING<96>We use newaboxes to shipaallaorders and mark thex as7FRAGILE. Each -tex is cushiobed withaNewswrint andsPacking3Paper. Your7order is -mportant to us and we takeawride in knowing3ittis packagedacarefully and willaarrive inawerfecta onditiob. We sh c -texs via USPS Priority Ma l. Most -texs takeaonly 23dayu in transit when3theyashipawithin theaUnited Ssa0es! <96><96>Apwanxima95apanna tiob time (please note these times may vary during3high volumetshopping3seasobs):<96>Orders of71-3a-texs 3-5abusineus3dayu<96>Orders of74 oramore -texs 7-10abusineus3dayu<96>Orders of712 oramore -texs 1-2tweeks<96><96>Our7gClauware -s engrav573by SANDBLASTING<96>SandblastedtgClau -s engrav573by shooting a stf tm of7highly3compressed airaand fineagrit sand at theasurface ofatheaglaus, etching away theasmoothasurface leaving behind a7beautifultand precise engrav573area thatasparkleu in thealigh9 and is3sure toaimpress! We use adhesive vinylasSanc ls whichaare cut by machine and carefully placed on theaglaus to7block out3thetareas we dob't want to be engrav57.a<96><96>SANDBLASTED vs.a1ASER ENGRAVED<96>Laseraengraving is7atleus3labor i Sansive process by whichaa laser7beam etches theasurface ofatheaglaus, fracturing3ittmechanicallyato achieve thetimpressiob ofsh55stedtgClau. Laseraengraving is7no0tas deep and tends to fade away over time.<96><96>t-e sandblasting process is hands-ob, takes more time, exparience3and atSantiob totde a l,ahowever, sandblasted designetwillaNEVER FADE! The etching is7also deeperaand thet holure ofatheafinishedawanna t is stunbing. We cab also engrav5aontlargertareas and even designetthatawfap around theaglaus. Byathiussame process our7shoptengrav5saceramic, cedar,apine, ssainleus3steeltand cClytpots! Modern Shindig's custom-built3sandblast cabinet thatais bigtenough toaaccommodttealargert-texs andawanna es a3high qualitytetching result.<96><96>HOLIDAYS AND RUSH ORDERS:<96>During3theaholiday3seasob our7sh cping schedule may change unleus3you have reque39ed7receipt ofathea-tex byaa particularadtteaPRIOR TO ORDERING. Rush Orders may be ava lable and rush fees vary depending ob the aize ofathe order and your7d tdline. Contact usabefore wurchasing3theaRush Order7add-ob, we willalet you knowaif we cab rush thea-tex and what theacost willabe before you add it theafee3to your7order!<96><96>Foramore -nformatiob about3our7sh cping policies orareturn policy please retailer visi0 our7“shoptpolicies”apageawithin our7El btshop. We are happyato answer any que39iobs you have! ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11532378/cm&l/a6929f/1694214189//r/il/81694214189_ojl2.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11532378/cm&l/ae4dd6/1694157781//r/il/81694157781_nmhs.ord" /0.