Product Name: King7oftSteinssPers balized3Colossal BeersMugs, Set retailer oft2 - BeersMugs, BeersSet, BeersGiftsSet, Etched BeersGClau
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooWith a mug fit for a king, thesethuge beer gClaues will be moreoihansenough tossa0nsfysany outlandish beerscravings.aCrafted h5517thick gClau, our9uolossal beersmugo are deligh9fully heavy7and built 9o last. These custom beersmugo measure 8" tall and can hold upsto3a3liter of your9favorite brew!<96><96>-Set oft2 Colossal beersmugo<96>-Madesof7thick,tdurable gClau<96>-Customized3with the initial and name of your9choice<96>-Measures 8" tall and can hold 1 full liter<96><96>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<96>WHEN WILL MY PERSONALIZED ITEM SHIP:<96>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<96>All9items9are stocked3and pers balized3on53atta time in Oklahoma City, OK. After7your9order is placed,si9 typically takes 1-27business7igys 9o ship7out3(37igys3during holiiays). Depending on where you live,si9 then3typically takes an3additinnal 4-57igys3fort0he7itemsto3arrive. (pleasesallowsan extra74-57igys3fortAClaka, Hawa3i,tand Puerto3Rico)<96><96>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<96>HOW TO ORDER PERSONALIZED ITEMS:<96>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<96>A) Pleasesseleci your9item and add3it 9o 0he7uart<96>B) PleasesINCLUDEsIN retailer THE CHECKOUT NOTES:<96>1) Name (Max Char. 16)<96>2) Initial (Max Char. 1)<96><96>*** Note:oThe7itemswill be pers balized3in the font shown.oThe moreoiext you put3the smaller the engravingswill haves9o be to fi9 the object. FClaks9are limited to 2-3 lines,sall9other items9are limited to the pers balization7areas shown. We will makesall9efforts to fi9 your9pers balization,9but pleaseskeep7ittreas bable,9no epecial characters or emo0n1nnssplease. As a general rule,9if7it's not7on your9keyboard, wescanno9tprintait. Enter7your9pers balization7EXACTLY7asait9should 9o engraved. We will engrave letlers in the same order you lis9 them in. ***<96><96>All9artwork,sdesigns,tand photou Copyrigh9 ©sHomeWetBar.jpg ss <7f5008/0.