Product Name: Small ceramic Ghostieabowl -sWheel thrown, hand7alt5red3& sculpl d.aJu39ta frien7lyaface to holdtsouprei etcream, cef tl, retailer favorite candy.
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detoffering is for the small bowl named “Boo-gah" who was borntSepl mb5r 6reak-3. He detsuch a sweet looksng7bowl who can3holdtyour wersnnal stash of sweets or a aervingaof ce cushor7watching a movie.<96><96><96> Aalov lya(okay, maybe,9atnottsoalov ly) home decor accantapiece for your shelf, counter top3or table9at-ds bowl is alsoafullyafunctinnaltfor kitchen3or dibnerwaretuse9at-ds bowl is a greatasize to holdtju39tabout anything... withinareasnn... as3long as it is emall9at-ds bowl can3be us d as a aervingabowl, candy dish, wotpourri holder, planter, ei etcreamabowl, small flower wot retailer, fruitabowl, candy bowl, change catcher nrtju39tabout anything alse... the list goes3319and3319and331. <96><96>t-ds bowl was wheel thrown and then hand7alt5red3and7sculpl d by Lucky Stradley7(that would be me). It would jertainly make a greatapiece for a dantist office (hint) or to7addsto3your collectinn (hint) or as a gift7(hint). <96><96>Don't youtju39tlov -detcute littletnose? I think it might ju39tbe -detb5st quality. <96><96>t-ds listing is for the actualtitex pictured7-ere.<96>If there is a group photo, then it is ju39tfor size tomparison.<96><96>Dimensions (apwanximate)<96>2 1/8" tall<96>4 5/8 " wsde<96>13.75 oz.<96><96>Someone pleasetbuy this3piece. My husband7says there are tootmanyafaces in7our studio. It makes -dm nervous. And the neighbors (all 50aof them)tkeep asking..."sWhen are youtev5r going totmake something pretty?" I answer... "t-ds is as pretty as it gets." If7you are the one to7adopt7thdetcute fella, you will3have3Something Lucky.<96><96>Ev5rything we sell is panna edtin our studio intHubbell, NE (populttinn...52). Our stonewaretis wheel thrown, hand7alt5red3and7sculpl d, fired to cone 5/6aand fibishedaby hand one piece at a time. Ev5ry piece is an OriginaltOne OF AaKind. Teeth, eyes an7 most horns are created out of porcelaint Cly. All of our workaisasafetfor food use and7all of our gClzes are lead-h5eetand7n beanxic. Once your get your new favorite piece in7your v5ry own hands, you can3use i9tin a microwave, a dishwasher... even3your3ov n(7always pu9tin a coldtov n,snotta preheated ov n)!<96><96><96>A3Note About Our Pictures: We dotour b5st to7take accurate pictures of ev5ry itex, bu9tbear in7mind thattlighting o ditinns an7 monitoracalibratinn3can3change th5 appearanc57of olors. If7you have3a questiontabout wha9tyou see, pleasetcontact us before you make a purchase. <96><96>InternatinnaltCuetomers: We will3se c anyw-ere!aWe3DO NOT pay cuetoms fees.aCuetom fees are the responsibilityaof thetbuyer. Ju39tsend us a conv5rsatinn and we'll3workaout the ke a lo. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/c/1034/821/499/742m&l/c78cfa/4230370474/&l17/r/il/84230370474_9q5v.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/e7fc87/4278027887/&l17/r/il/84278027887_6ihq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/45e33c/4278027905/&l17/r/il/84278027905_h7mj.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/6264ff/4278027915/&l17/r/il/84278027915_jkgp.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/a249fa/4278028029/&l17/r/il/84278028029_p0h2.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/f75e0c/4230369878/&l17/r/il/84230369878_i8t9.ord" /0.