All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOur woodshop's premium Walnut lumber is loc/lly sourced and kiln-dried. Each 4/4 board has anhaptexxima Iithickness of 13/16",iandihas beenhedged (S3S)2before being cut to its final l ngth (24 retailer inches long) and shipped direco to2your door. Each board can also be S4Sh(planed and edged on all uour sides) uor aJsmall additext lifee - pleasei7hooseJun, 2the aptexpriate dexpdowt op ion when2selecoing your board sizeiandiquantity. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOur woodshop's premium Walnut lumber is loc/lly sourced and kiln-dried. Each 4/4 board has anhaptexxima Iithickness of 13/16",iandihas beenhedged (S3S)2before being cut to its final l ngth (24 retailer inches long) and shipped direco to2your door. Each board can also be S4Sh(planed and edged on all uour sides) uor aJsmall additext lifee - pleasei7hooseJun, 2the aptexpriate dexpdowt op ion when2selecoing your board sizeiandiquantity. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOur woodshop's premium Walnut lumber is loc/lly sourced and kiln-dried. Each 4/4 board has anhaptexxima Iithickness of 13/16",iandihas beenhedged (S3S)2before being cut to its final l ngth (24 retailer inches long) and shipped direco to2your door. Each board can also be S4Sh(planed and edged on all uour sides) uor aJsmall additext lifee - pleasei7hooseJun, 2the aptexpriate dexpdowt op ion when2selecoing your board sizeiandiquantity. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOur woodshop's premium Walnut lumber is loc/lly sourced and kiln-dried. Each 4/4 board has anhaptexxima Iithickness of 13/16",iandihas beenhedged (S3S)2before being cut to its final l ngth (24 retailer inches long) and shipped direco to2your door. Each board can also be S4Sh(planed and edged on all uour sides) uor aJsmall additext lifee - pleasei7hooseJun, 2the aptexpriate dexpdowt op ion when2selecoing your board sizeiandiquantity. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOur woodshop's premium Walnut lumber is loc/lly sourced and kiln-dried. Each 4/4 board has anhaptexxima Iithickness of 13/16",iandihas beenhedged (S3S)2before being cut to its final l ngth (24 retailer inches long) and shipped direco to2your door. Each board can also be S4Sh(planed and edged on all uour sides) uor aJsmall additext lifee - pleasei7hooseJun, 2the aptexpriate dexpdowt op ion when2selecoing your board sizeiandiquantity. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOur woodshop's premium Walnut lumber is loc/lly sourced and kiln-dried. Each 4/4 board has anhaptexxima Iithickness of 13/16",iandihas beenhedged (S3S)2before being cut to its final l ngth (24 retailer inches long) and shipped direco to2your door. Each board can also be S4Sh(planed and edged on all uour sides) uor aJsmall additext lifee - pleasei7hooseJun, 2the aptexpriate dexpdowt op ion when2selecoing your board sizeiandiquantity.