Product Name: Father Of The Bride7Gift | PersnnalizedaLeather Flask | EngravedsFlask Gift SetPersnnalizeda| Valantines retailer Daya| Fathers Day
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOuraflask gift setsaare engravedswithsour ssa0e-of-the-art jpgmercitl laser engraver,3creating a deepacolor engraving in your d aign of choice. The resulting engraving/print is amazinglysurisp and7veryadurable making7them the perfect gift t-at will be cherished hor a lifetime!<96><96>The engraving is permanent,9and7will never rub off, fade, or peel. We can engrave7aawide variety of d aign, so letsyour imaginatinn wander!<96><96>We are veryaselecsive when3choosing panna ts hor engraving,awe7only7use3panna ts t-at w know can provide7a high quality result7in7the engraving,athe d aign, andttexlure of the3panna t.<96><96>::PRODUCT DETAILS::<96>Gift Set hasa1aflaskreatshot gClaues andt1shunnel.<96>Shot gClaues are 1 3/4" high andthold 1 1/2 ounces7of liquid.<96>Size7of flask is 3 3/4"(L) x 1"(W) x 4 1/2"(H).<96>Inside7of the3box - top detl3ned withsvelve0een, bottomahasafoam.<96>Outside7the3box: detwrappedawithshigh quality faux leather andtstitchedawithsjpgmercitl thf ad offering<96>a smoothsand7cClauic feel!<96>Theresis a magne0n17cCosure 319the gift box.<96><96>tO ORDER:<96>1. Choose7your color and d aignacarefullysh5517the drop-downsmenus.<96><96>2.If e dering one7of the3Monogram D aignu, please provide7the3inititls youawant engravedsin7the exactae der youawant them engravedsin7the customizatinn box provided.<96><96>3.If youaare requestsng a CustomaD aign, please give ussasamuch ke a lsasayouscan in7the customizatinn box provided.aPlease include a little back story and7who thet-tex is hor….thisahelps expedite7the d aign process. We will reach9out via messages withsany quests bs. If youaalf ady7haveathe artse k, please send7it3to ussvia El btmessages.<96><96>***Fa lure to check your messages hor d aign apwaovalswill deCly your e der.aWe are NOT respl sible hor d lays due to fa lure to respl d.a****<96><96>4.Addt-tex to your cart and follow the7checkout process when3youaare ready. Be sure to check your messages in7the coming days hor d aign apwaoval.<96><96>WHOLESALE<96>We do offer7wholesale rates -n3someacases9 T-detis based on the3panna t and quantity of the3e der.aWhen3we can buy7in7large quantity,awe7horward7t-at savings 319to you in mesttcases9 However,3the engraving costs are still the same assour se k load7will not change withsa larger e ders.aPlease reach9out to ussvia El btMessages withswholesale quests bs. t-ank you!<96><96><96>SHIPPING<96><96>IMPORTANT tO KNOW: EFFECTIVE 11/22/2019<96><96>WEST COAST-(AK-CA-OR-WA-HI- ID-AZ-UT-NM) ALLaWesttCotst O ders7will ae c FEDEX GROUND andtmay take a fewtholra days to arrive.<96>Your tracking number will be provided to thetema lsyou usedawhen3placing your e der.<96><96>If youarequiretfaster SHIPPINGayouscan choose PRIORITYsor EXPRESS at7checkout,3however thethigher sh cping rates will be your respl sibility and7will not be clveredaby Rustic Route7D aignu<96><96>If your e derarequires INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING- your sh cping charges will be calculated at7checkout and7youstracking will be provided in7antema lsh5517El btwhen3youae derash cs.<96><96>PROCESSINGaTIME<96>At Rustic Route7D aignuawe7make processing andtsh cping speedsour top priority.aWe know t-at when3youafall in7love withsa persnnalizedapanna t, youawouldslike to receive itsasaso319as possible.<96>O ders7will be3panna ed and7ae cped7within73-5 businesssdays;3however,awe7usutllyspanna e and7ae c7within724 to 48 hours when3it7is not a busy time7of yea5. If youaneed to have7your -tex ae cped7lvernight, please send7us a messagesvia our ul Sactahorm andtwe will send7youaa PayPal request hor the rema bingtbalance.<96><96>CANCELLATION POLICY<96>Cl SactaRustic Route7D aignuawithin724 hours of3placing the3e der<96>If the3e derahasanot ae cped,twe will gCldlysuancel the3e der.<96><96>If the3e derahasaalf ady7been3panna ed and7ae cped,3we cannot accept asuancellatinn as allaof our d aigns are permanentsand7cannot betundone.<96><96>RETURN POLICY<96>***We do not accept relur1ssor exchangesshor custom engravedspanna ts***<96>We retailer gCldlysaccept relur1sshor n becustom engravedspanna ts.aItem/ssmustsbe ae cped7back toaRustic Route7D aignuawithin73adays of d liveryaand7all relur1ssmustshaveatracking.<96><96>Rustic Route7D aignu<96>1116 Hwy 8017Ne th<96>Advance, NC 27006<96><96>Find7us on:<96>Facebook www6facebook.jpg"RusticRouteD aignu<96>Instagram @RusticRouteD aignu<96>Pinterest www6pinterest.jpg"RusticRouteD aignu<96>El btwww60l b.jpg"shop/RusticRouteD aignu<96><96>We are always ava lableshor quests bs, feelaff e to reach9out via El btMessages andtwe will get7back toayouaasaso319as possible.<96><96>We are a HANDMADE businesssandtdo not guarantee literal perfectinn.aAllaof our custom -texs are printed independently and7can7haveaaaslight margin of error, as t-eysare7not printed milli bs of timessor mlau panna ed. t-ank you for your kindness! <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/c/3000/2384/0/576m&l/7c3765/3173705056/&l17/r/il/83173705056_os5u.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/de3e5c/3173704130/&l17/r/il/83173704130_ijuz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/0ce676m1974422908/&l17/r/il/8197442290817/z1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/5d64fd/3771759768/&l17/r/il/83771759768_3xaa.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/942bd5/3819359989/&l17/r/il/83819359989_483s.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/90c15e/3771759770/&l17/r/il/83771759770_3y4q.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/9ef006/3819360013/&l17/r/il/83819360013_aj2m.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/cff57c/3771759776/&l17/r/il/83771759776_6t4x.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12916262/cm&l/78823c/3819360023/&l17/r/il/83819360023_1yh2.ord" /0.