Product Name: Retailer For Stroke Recovery Rehabilitation Herbs
15 Day formula helps improves blood circulation in the brain and help prevent another Paralytic Stroke. Paralysis is a common outcome of stroke, often on one side of the body (hemiplegia). Paralysis may affect only the face, an arm, or a leg, but most often, one entire side of the body and face is affected. A stroke can sometimes cause temporary or permanent disabilities, depending on how long the brain lacks blood flow and which part was affected. Complications may include Paralysis or loss of muscle movement. Ingredients Myrrh, Nux Vomica, Frankincense, Tian Qi, Qing Feng Fuji, Drynaria Rhizome. Direction Three times a day with 1 teaspoon can be eaten with oatmeal, juice, and soup or with warm retailer water.