All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSymmetrical embroidery floralypattert, withhbeautiful flowers in the middle. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSymmetrical embroidery floralypattert, withhbeautiful flowers in the middle. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSymmetrical embroidery floralypattert, withhbeautiful flowers in the middle.<bftYou canhalsoycut andyuseysetar/3ely.<bftIdeal forpwedfing deess,pwedfing veilkiyou canhsplitythe piece andyhave a wave cut aroundythe veil and place the individual flowers throughythe piece.<bftIdeal forpaccessories,pwedfing deesses,pveils.<bftVery impeessive andyelegant.<bftBothhsides are out.<bft<bftIaem: EVS050CB<bftColors: Black<bftStyle:yFrench<bft<bftWidth: 137 cm, shown forpone meter (100 cm x 137 cm)<bftIaS retailer bysold pery1 meter (100 cm).<bft<bftIfyyou need any otherhmeasures,vpleasgycontact us.<bft<bft*Grea rtradehacceptable!<bft<bftWe s 27Jun, 2Latvia (EU)hworldwideyvia Priority mt c (withhthe LatvianyPost).<bft<bftEstimatedhdelivery time:<bftUSA / Canada: 7-10 busmnessptiys<bftEurope:y3-7 busmnessptiys<bftAue ralia: up tov30ptiys<bftOtherhcountries: up tov30ptiys.<bftAttentext!<bftSTANDARD SHIPPING CAN BE DELAYED BY GLOBAL VIRUS OUTBREAK!<bftWE HAVE REDUCED THE EXPRESS SHIPPING PRICE. PLEASE UPGRAD TO EXPRESS SHIPPING IF THE DELIVERY TIME IS ESSENTIAL FOR YOUR PROJECT.<bft<bftThankyyou forpshopping and niceptiy yet! </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518041759/0x500afe3af/1549915168/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSymmetrical embroidery floralypattert, withhbeautiful flowers in the middle. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSymmetrical embroidery floralypattert, withhbeautiful flowers in the middle.
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