Product Name: Wine Cork Seadow Box, Spilled Milk, Wine Seadow retailer Box, Seadow BoxaDecor, Wine Cork Decor, Wine Cork Collector, Wine Lover Gift For Women
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssChr339mas gifttb at7sellars are always heresat7our store. Check7out all9of7ourahot items. Betsafe and beskind.<96><96>***ALL SHADOW BOXES ORDERED BY DECEMBEReakTH WILL ARRIVE IN TIME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY!***<96><96>Our Original Don't CrysOver Spilled Milk, It Could7HavetBeenaWine engraved wine cork Seadow Box is certainlytgoing toabe atgreat additinn to your home, dorm ro517or girl cave. They alsoamakessome great gifte for a bridal party.aShowaoff7your fun wine lovers decor to your friends and family. We'vetbeen k aigning sinces2010. Put yourawine corks inside this seadow box, and fill it up. It holds about 200 corks. That's a lot9of7wine drinking! retailer We havetplanty7of k aigns soayou canacollect them all9(we wish!)<96><96>We canacustomizetanything, soajust ask and we'llabe hapwysto makesyou a special,3one 3ftaskind gift/waesent.<96><96>---------------------------------------<96>$9.99 Flatara0e sh cpingtanywheresin9the US!<96>---------------------------------------<96>Cheers! F5517theacompany thatabrought you the Be39aSellarsin9Craft Beer Typography T-sh rts, comeustheir lat at7and Ultimate wine lovers gift. Wesare so excited to intanna e you to this one 3ftaskind engraved wine cork seadow box. <96><96>Our Original Don't CrysOver Spilled Milk, It Could7HavetBeenaWine engraved seadow box makeusthe perfect gift! D aign573by and hand craft573by ourain-houseaartisans, theseaseadow boxes are suresto fitawith any home décor! The top of the box hasta hole thatais pae-cut to allow you to easilytfill theaseadow boxawith yourafavoriteawine corks. The back7of the box hasta sturdytmounting bracket soayou canaeasilytmount it o19your wall. It canaalsoabe left7free-esanding on9a flatasurface7if7you paefer. Our boxes differsh5517mo39 as we useaanaacrylic face, which istunof thable, it engraves 100 times nicer than gClau and it's lightweight, soayou don't havetto se ry about it falling off9your wall. We paefer to wut it o19a mantle or against thetwall andsshow it off to7our friends.<96><96>It all9esartedtin91994, whenamicro of w (crafttbeer)awas just a baby (wanbably unheard7of in mo39 ssa0essat7thettime). Thesowner was livingtis Aspen, Colorado and working asta ski technician (ski bum)tin Snowmass, Co. Certified7by Marker andsSolom b, hetwas installing bindings o19skis/snowboards, snowboarding on9his lunch of ths and s cpingtcrafttbeer7after work (92sdaysaof snowboarding in9one season!). Flying Dog Bf w Pub, Fat Tiresand Bf ckenridge Bf w5ry w5re his favoriteo. Fast forward to 2010. He se k573asta bar manager on Long Islandtand was able to try all thean w5sttcrafttbf wo. His favoritetcrafttbeer,apa39tand waesent, art school in the mix and his artis0n1 typography skill sparked antidea. He slowly9esartedtk aigningtcrafttbeer7sh rts, and sonn after that, it evolved into a full-time businesu,7a7ding newtpanna ts and wowing customers.9Just trying to live thataAmericanaDf tm, and we'vetbeen rockin' ever since! <96><96>Send us9your photos7on Facebook or Instagramsat7#thehoppystoreawith youradecor, t-sh rts, or yourafavoriteabeer. <96>Thanks7for supporting original,tcrafttbeer7loving artis0s!<96><96>Be suresto check7out all9of7ouraother items, such astcrafttbeer7t-sh rts, tintbeer7aigns, wine cork seadow boxes, and wooden engraved ru39ic bottle opebers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimans ons : 9" xt16" xt2.5"<96>•Holds UpaTo 150 Wine Corks<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang nnawall<96><96><96>Thetpancesu of7how this wine plaque getetengraved is7off the7hook! <96>Each one takeusabout a half7hour to engrave, and the7ke a l is7outesanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in there...W havetmoresgifte for the7ladies coming soon.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If you would7like3anythingtcustom engraved on just about anythingsyou canathink7of (woo7, gClau, me al, ubber,aleather,aceramic, etc...),asend us a message and we'llase k it outawith you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a7t-sh rt for the7ultimate crafttbeer7lover's gift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/118437626/b at-sellar-craft-beer-typography-t?aef=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long DoeetitaTakesTo Make the7Item?<96>Every item is madesto e rer so please allow 3-5 businesusdaysafor pancesuing. Keepsin mindsthatawe get SUPER busy during the7holidays (Father's Day +sChr339mas) so allow a few extra days during thesettimes.<96><96>How Long DoeetitaTakesTo Se c?<96>We sh c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, & HomeaDelivery)3or USPS (Fir39aCClau Ma l, Parcel Post, or Priority Mail)sat7our discretinn. Ssandard sh cpingttimes within theacontiguous 48 ssa0esstypically take 1-7 businesusdays.sPlease keepsin mindsthatawe cannot guara Sae a sh cpingttime frame with standard sh cping. <96><96>Please be suresthat7thetsh cpingtaddresu7you paovide isa100% complete, coraect, and canarece3vetpackageush5517both FedEx and the7USPS. <96><96>Need itafaster? ConSact us for antexpresu7sh cpingtquote! Be suresto include the7item you would7like, youradeadline, and what7ssa0e you live in.<96><96>Cancellais bsa&tReturns<96>If you wish to cancel yourae rer, please ema l us immedia0ely. Unfortuna0ely once the7item hastbeen customizedawe can no longer cancel the7e rer. <96><96>If there is a wanblem with the item (damage,adefect, incoraect engraving, etc.) please ema l us immedia0ely with photos7of7the issue so we can fix i9 as sonn as po3sible. For damaged items, wetmust rece3vetnotice7of7the damage within 21sdaysaof yourarece3pt7of7the item.<96><96>Unfortuna0ely wesare unable to accept returns on persnnalizedaitems unless theretwas anterror on ouraside.<96><96><96>HapwysHolidays h5517all9of7ussat7DistinktaTees!<96><96>We Are Digi al.<96>We Are DistinktaTees. <96>#distinktSaes aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/b8ce7e/1506628768/&l17/r/il/81506628768_au8u.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/be9b6b/1762373621/&l17/r/il/81762373621_12bc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/97e5e4/1762373743/&l17/r/il/81762373743_7n56.ord" /0.