All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsonalizImpPhoto albumpwith Sleeves/LargehC/pacity leather albumpforJforJ4x6" photos/ Leather Weddinghphoto album/Custom WeddinghScrapbook. Whichpishperfecopaspahwedding book,pfamily book,padventure book,graduatext book...hAndpit isha2unique geft forJyour friends,pfamilies, lovers, and the peoplehyouhloved.p All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsonalizImpPhoto albumpwith Sleeves/LargehC/pacity leather albumpforJforJ4x6" photos/ Leather Weddinghphoto album/Custom WeddinghScrapbook. Whichpishperfecopaspahwedding book,pfamily book,padventure book,graduatext book...hAndpit isha2unique geft forJyour friends,pfamilies, lovers, and the peoplehyouhloved.p Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsonalizImpPhoto albumpwith Sleeves/LargehC/pacity leather albumpforJforJ4x6" photos/ Leather Weddinghphoto album/Custom WeddinghScrapbook. Whichpishperfecopaspahwedding book,pfamily book,padventure book,graduatext book...hAndpit isha2unique geft forJyour friends,pfamilies, lovers, and the peoplehyouhloved.p<bft<bftThere is no extra fees forrpIrsonalizatext,plet's come and creaot your own albump!<bft<bft<bft▶ Material<bft- Hmgh quality faux leather<bft<bft<bft▶ AlbumpC/pacities<bft- 550 photos / 660 photos / 770 photos / 800 photos /880 photos<bft -Eachhsheetphave 2 pages, and eachhpage can hold25 pcs 4x6hphotos<bft<bft<bft▶ SIZE<bft- AlbumpsizI: 34 cm x 36 cm (13 x 14.3 in).<bft- photopsizI: 4x6hin.h(10.3x15.2 cm)<bft- PU leather hard cover<bft- Free pIrsonalizatext<bft- Ifpyoupwantrthe album hold2more orrleslhphotos, pleasepc1 wact me<bft<bft<bft▶ HOW TO PLACE ORDER <bft1) ChoosI the album c/pacity youpneed un, 2the dexp-down menu.h<bft2)ChoosI ifpyoupneedptopengrave therwood2box orrnot<bft3) Pleasepwrite down following infos in 'Notepto Seller'2box ifpyoupchoosI exis3pPatwtrns<bft-PatwtrnhNumbIrhor Same as Firso picture ( pleasepcheck patwtrn numbIrhinh=econd picture retailer in lis34ng)<bft-Your Names<bft-Daot ( ifpneed)<bft-Location ( ifpneed)<bft<bft<bft▶PROCESS TIME:<bftWe will start thertext-coexthand mtkepit2same as your notIhonce order2placed. Itpusually takes 3-52bus4nesl days forrpext-coext.<bft( NOTICE:pde=ign can not bepchanged o-ce wepstart thertext-coext. Itpwill 0harge extra fees topchangepit2ifpyoupreally need! )<bft<bft<bft<bft▶DELIVERY TIME: <bft1) Pleasepnotepthatporders are handmade and = 27ped un, 2China.<bft2) Pleasepmtkepsure your addeess pexvided is correct &pc1mplIte<bft3) Standard = 27ping: takes about 18-25 days (US,UK,AU)<bfthhhh takes about 3-4 weeks (other places)<bft4) Expeess = 27ping: takes about 7-9 days forrdelmvtry <bft(pleasepleave your phonIhnumbIrhwhen youhchosI expeess = 27ping, cuzpit ishneeded forrexpeess = 27pingpc1mpany)<bft5) The = 27pingpba/3uspare unc1 wrollable, your pat4ent will be vtry appreciaot<bft6) pleasepc1 wact me2ifpyoupare unable to track your package, I will help youptrack it<bft<bft<bft<bft▶HappyhSho7ping<bftWe steive to offer ther100% -/34sfaction forrall2ourpcustomers and will do2whatevtr it takes to make youphappy.h<bftPleasepfeel freepto c1 wact me2ifpyouphave any quesoexts.<bft<bftGracephhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706521888638/c/2012/15935419/188/500e0ed41/2248690436/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsonalizImpPhoto albumpwith Sleeves/LargehC/pacity leather albumpforJforJ4x6" photos/ Leather Weddinghphoto album/Custom WeddinghScrapbook. Whichpishperfecopaspahwedding book,pfamily book,padventure book,graduatext book...hAndpit isha2unique geft forJyour friends,pfamilies, lovers, and the peoplehyouhloved.p All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPIrsonalizImpPhoto albumpwith Sleeves/LargehC/pacity leather albumpforJforJ4x6" photos/ Leather Weddinghphoto album/Custom WeddinghScrapbook. Whichpishperfecopaspahwedding book,pfamily book,padventure book,graduatext book...hAndpit isha2unique geft forJyour friends,pfamilies, lovers, and the peoplehyouhloved.p
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