Product Name: Pokemon TCG retailer 63 Grass Type Trading Cards Collection
Pokemon TCG 63 Grass Type Trading Cards Collection Lot. These cards consist of the base set, jungle, and fossil sets. Please see below all the cards you will be receiving below. You will receive duplicates of certain cards. I couldn't take pictures of every single card because I wouldn't have had enough picture slots to work with. There is wear on the cards. Some are minimal while some are moderate. (1) Vileplume Holo (1) Muk Holo (3) Nidoran (Female) (2) Nidorina (5) Grimer (2) Koffing (1) Arbok (3) Ekans (3) Golbat (5) Zubat (1) Ivysaur (2) Bulbasaur (2) Kakuna (1) Weedle (1) Exeggcute (2) Nidoran (Male) (1) Weepinbell (3) Bellsprout (1) Professor Oak (1) Gambler (1) Gust of retailer Wind (1) Pokédex (1) Potion (19) Grass Energy Tags: #Pokemon #PokemonTCG #PokemonTradingCardGame #PokemonCards #PokemonBaseSet #PokemonJungle #PokemonFossil #PokemonTradingCards #PokemonHolos #VintagePokemon #PokemonDeck #PokemonGrassDeck #PokemonGrassTradingCards #PokemonGrassCards #PokemonGrassTypeCards.