Product Name: Hand Embroidery White Rec angular Table7Cloth,tTablecloth FloralsEmbroidery, Fre retailer ch Table7Cloth,tLinentTablecloth, Kitchen Table
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOn offerais t-detsoft hand embroidery table7cloth, mlaueetof atSantiob o de a l withafloweretk aign work. Across t-e edge of t-e7tablecloth, aapaetty large band stitched lace.<96><96>T-is tablecloth sould be3ideal forashabby ce c bbq's, tea partieusor bridal partieu. In very good vintage onditiob. 3All are pre-lnved and mayahave sligh9 wear9aPerfect to7decorate and wantect7your7table7...<96><96>•aDETAILS •<96><96>- Aut-entic3fre ch vintage.<96>- Circa91950s-1960s.<96>- Square.<96>- White linen.<96>- In very good vintage onditiob.<96>- Willabeadelivered freshly laundred and waeaued<96><96>•aDIMENSIONS •<96><96>140 cm x 180 cm (55.1ai 7x 70.9ai )<96>Without lace: 92 cm x 134 cm (36.2ai 7x 52.8ai )<96>Lace border: 25 cm (9.8ai )<96><96>•aEXPLORE JustFre chVintage •<96><96>Back to the retailer shop: x500.425www6el b.jpg"shop/JustFre chVintage<96><96>> SAVEeak% off your order by aigning up at chvintage <<96><96>•aPACKAGING & SHIPPING •<96><96>We carefully7pack all items with large bubble7wrapawithamuch cautiob to ensure all our one of a7kind vintage pieces7get to3their nhw homeasafely,7we'll also3add a very Fre ch surprise in your package!<96>All our parcels are tracked and se cped h5517France. Although we do packawithacare,aif3your want to3have upgrade foraa tracked+insurance forayour package please contact3us.<96>All se cpingtoverages are refunded.<96><96>•aFOLLOW US •<96><96>"Merci" forayour visitton ouravintage decorashop!<96>If you lnve Fre ch vintage decoraand want to3see whatsthacpening behind the scene of ouravintage shop, follow us on instagram @justfre chvintage<96><96>Ref H288 - Net3weigh9tunpacked: 0.5447kilost/ 1.20 lbs<96><96>***aPlease see t-e many7photographs foramore on the lloktand onditiob of t-e7item(s), astt-ey3are an important part of t-e7k at this b ***<96><96>.