Product Name: GemOro UltraSpa Dual Ultrasonic Steamer retailer Jewelry Cleaner 1-Pint Tank Capacity
UltraSpa Slate - Dual Ultrasonic & Steamer The world's only personal combination jewelry cleaning system utilizing both an ultrasonic cleaner and steam cleaner in one specially designed appliance for the home or jewelry store The ingenious UltraSpa is a professional quality machine that provides ultimate cleaning results for sparkling diamonds, gold, silver, platinum jewelry, metal watch bands and more Totally in a class by itself, the UltraSpa has both powerful ultrasonic cleaning and high-pressure steam cleaning in a single appliance With a two-stage cleaning process, scrub dirt and grime with intense ultrasonic sound waves and retailer then with the steamer blast away hidden dirt and the remaining residue from all hard to reach areas with amazing results like no other jewelry cleaner period! Perfect size approximate 1-pint tank capacity ultrasonic cleaner Ultrasonic generates a powerful 42,000 scrubbing waves per second using regular tap water.