Original Framed Oil Painting “Winter Mornings” Cozy Warm Dog retailer Wrapped in a Blanket. Labrador Labradoodle Spaniel Cockapoo. 16.75 x 12.75 inch
“Winter Mornings”
Original oil painting on canvas board
We all know that feeling
This is an.
“Winter Mornings”
Original oil painting on canvas board
We all know that feeling!
This is an oil painting I have done on canvas board of a dog all snuggly in warm blankets
The size of the painting is 12 inches by 9 inches (30.5cm x 23cm)
It is framed in an oak effect frame which is 16.75 by 12.75 inches (42.5cm x 32.5cm) and has a depth of 1.25 inches (3.5cm)
This painting is all ready to hang.
All my framed paintings have the same colour frame and mount, to match.
Please note that this frame does not have a glass front.
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