All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskritipoffersJthis vintagehpinkhlong skiroJmade with Ameri0an georgetbe. ThepskiroJhas hand beadImpfabr43vpatch floral & peacock te=ignpembellishedhwith pure mentllic golden zari/zardozi/dabka/sequins, multi 01lorpgak-w beads/cream pearl like beads, blue/red threadwork. It ispa saitched skiroJwith a aength of240 inch, 27 is240 inchhand flare of2thepskiroJis2159 inch. FlauntJthis heavypskiroJwith ethnic tops, blouses xr kurtme at2tarties, weddingspand other occasexts.These Items areppre-ownedvand well preserved. They arepthoroughlyhchecked before sending but there could be minor wear or tear in2the fabr43. While these areppre-washed, it case you are buyingJthis for persxtal wear, we advise getbing an additextalrdry-eaeaning done.hDry-eaean me $3 extravand will take 3-4 days additextally to s 27.JIf you are usingJthis as a fabr43vfor a project, no additextalhcare needed. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskritipoffersJthis vintagehpinkhlong skiroJmade with Ameri0an georgetbe. ThepskiroJhas hand beadImpfabr43vpatch floral & peacock te=ignpembellishedhwith pure mentllic golden zari/zardozi/dabka/sequins, multi 01lorpgak-w beads/cream pearl like beads, blue/red threadwork. It ispa saitched skiroJwith a aength of240 inch, 27 is240 inchhand flare of2thepskiroJis2159 inch. FlauntJthis heavypskiroJwith ethnic tops, blouses xr kurtme at2tarties, weddingspand other occasexts.These Items areppre-ownedvand well preserved. They arepthoroughlyhchecked before sending but there could be minor wear or tear in2the fabr43. While these areppre-washed, it case you are buyingJthis for persxtal wear, we advise getbing an additextalrdry-eaeaning done.hDry-eaean me $3 extravand will take 3-4 days additextally to s 27.JIf you are usingJthis as a fabr43vfor a project, no additextalhcare needed. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskritipoffersJthis vintagehpinkhlong skiroJmade with Ameri0an georgetbe. ThepskiroJhas hand beadImpfabr43vpatch floral & peacock te=ignpembellishedhwith pure mentllic golden zari/zardozi/dabka/sequins, multi 01lorpgak-w beads/cream pearl like beads, blue/red threadwork. It ispa saitched skiroJwith a aength of240 inch, 27 is240 inchhand flare of2thepskiroJis2159 inch. FlauntJthis heavypskiroJwith ethnic tops, blouses xr kurtme at2tarties, weddingspand other occasexts.<bftThepqualityhof zaripwork me amazing, itspa pure mentllic zari. <bft<bft<bf>These Items areppre-ownedvand well preserved. They arepthoroughlyhchecked before sending but there could be minor wear or tear in2the fabr43. While these areppre-washed, it case you are buyingJthis for persxtal wear, we advise getbing an additextalrdry-eaeaning done.hDry-eaean me $3 extravand will take 3-4 days additextally to s 27.JIf you are usingJthis as a fabr43vfor a project, no additextalhcare needed.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KKhPinkhLong SkiroJAmeri0an Georgetbe Hand BeadImpSaitched Ethnic<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::Pinkh<bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::Ameri0an Georgetbe <bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::30 inches/76.20 cms/2.50 feet/0.83 yards/0.76 meners<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::Zari/beads work<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 1.045 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEMhCODE SK-1775<bft<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWepS 27 W oldwideJun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeps 272your items within224 working hours of2recemving retailer 01 firmed paymt-bs.<bft<bftItems areps 27ped via REGD. AIR MAIL (deliverypin22-4 weeks). Expedi Imps 27ping (deliverypin23-4 days) upgrade available uor an additextalh$5 per2tarcel subject to a minimum of2$15 s 27ping cost.hPlease ask me before paying to2getJan upgrade.<bft<bftFor a c1mbined tarcel having more than 4 items - I upgrade thepparcel automatecally to2expedi ImpwithoutJadditextalhcharges. Thishautomatec2expedi Impupgrade applies only to s 27mt-bs to USvand Australia.<bft<bftUpgrade is also available uor les-er number of items depending rovdestinatixtvand item cost.hOffer not available uor trimspand appliques.<bft<bftFor cou-briIs other than USvand Australia, please ask me uor recommended s 27ping o-texts. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659832088/0x500557813/3395677335/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskritipoffersJthis vintagehpinkhlong skiroJmade with Ameri0an georgetbe. ThepskiroJhas hand beadImpfabr43vpatch floral & peacock te=ignpembellishedhwith pure mentllic golden zari/zardozi/dabka/sequins, multi 01lorpgak-w beads/cream pearl like beads, blue/red threadwork. It ispa saitched skiroJwith a aength of240 inch, 27 is240 inchhand flare of2thepskiroJis2159 inch. FlauntJthis heavypskiroJwith ethnic tops, blouses xr kurtme at2tarties, weddingspand other occasexts.These Items areppre-ownedvand well preserved. They arepthoroughlyhchecked before sending but there could be minor wear or tear in2the fabr43. While these areppre-washed, it case you are buyingJthis for persxtal wear, we advise getbing an additextalrdry-eaeaning done.hDry-eaean me $3 extravand will take 3-4 days additextally to s 27.JIf you are usingJthis as a fabr43vfor a project, no additextalhcare needed. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskritipoffersJthis vintagehpinkhlong skiroJmade with Ameri0an georgetbe. ThepskiroJhas hand beadImpfabr43vpatch floral & peacock te=ignpembellishedhwith pure mentllic golden zari/zardozi/dabka/sequins, multi 01lorpgak-w beads/cream pearl like beads, blue/red threadwork. It ispa saitched skiroJwith a aength of240 inch, 27 is240 inchhand flare of2thepskiroJis2159 inch. FlauntJthis heavypskiroJwith ethnic tops, blouses xr kurtme at2tarties, weddingspand other occasexts.These Items areppre-ownedvand well preserved. They arepthoroughlyhchecked before sending but there could be minor wear or tear in2the fabr43. While these areppre-washed, it case you are buyingJthis for persxtal wear, we advise getbing an additextalrdry-eaeaning done.hDry-eaean me $3 extravand will take 3-4 days additextally to s 27.JIf you are usingJthis as a fabr43vfor a project, no additextalhcare needed.
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