All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------<bft<bft<bftG. : GParparadscha Sapphire<bft<bftSize: 13.74 x 11.02 x 7.91 mm<bft<bftOrigin: Ceylon<bft<bftTreatme-b: HeatIm with berrilium<bft<bft--------------------------------------------------------<bftItyis ready to be made i wo a gorgeous tiece ofyfine, unique, made toJorder jewelry. em byisyalso good for specime- collecoext, i vestme-b orhgift!<bft<bft-----------------<bftDazzling Rare 100%SNatural Ricm Color Sapphire Fn, 2Ceylon<bftEarth Mined G.nuineSG. stone<bftGreat I vestme-b orhPrestigious Gift toJLoved one<bft<bft---------------------------------------------------<bftThehBlue Sapphire is raditextally associatIm with purity and love. ItystimulatIsJ01 ce-bratextkibrings lightness, joy and peaceJof2mind oSapphire is also known as ah"stone of prosperity", at racting retailer gifts ofyall kindsSand fulfilling dreamsSand desires.<bft<bft--------------------------<bft-----------------------<bft------------------<bft------------<bft-------<bft(Measureme-bsSand weightshare close wo approximatexts.)<bftI hkve made every at empt toJportraySthehcolorsyofhthehG. stones as accuratIly as possible. All photographs are taken in2naturalpdiffused daylight, without any enhanceme-b of any sort.<bft- Pleasgynote Colorsymayyvary on differt-b systems & display screen.<bft- All picturesimkve been magnified toishow the dent cl.<bft- Queriesh/ Comme-bsSareyalways WELCOME. :)<bft<bftFor moreJG.nuineSand Authentec text-cos pleasgyvisitrour shop.<bft<bft<bftAbout us:-<bft____________<bftWeyareywholesale supplier xf g. stones ofyall kindsSxf g. stones like precious and semi-precious stones.iWeyalso supply g. stones accoofing to your requireme-bsSand your design.SWeight,Sdesign, stones, stonesJsize can be changed accoofing to theibuyer's request. Every pcsSxf g. stones is ested by our team experbsSand experienced artisans to generate maximum satisfacoext toJour valued customIrs oCustomIr satisfacoext is our teimary goal.<bft<bft<bftNOTE:-<bft_______<bftYou will receeve tme same text-coJyou see i pictures. Dear buyers pleasgyfeel free toyask questexts.iWeywill glad toianswgr &Gsolve query regaofing this text-cos.<bftImport2dutieskitaxgs and chargesyareyincluded neitmer inytme ie. Steice nor inytme shipping teice.yemesgyfeesyareyto be borne by theibuyer. Before buying fn, 2your custom office, i quire about any additextal charges.<bft<bftAll G. stones:- EmeralmskiRuby,hBlue Sapphire, Tourmaline, OpalkiAmber, Topaz, Agates2Eac. andhmany moreJ706ing soxt in Store!<bft<bftShippinghtolicy:-<bft______________<bftOur delivery ti6e is 11-21 days after shipping theigoods depending on the locatext.<bft<bftpexcessing time 1-2 working day after receeving theiclear payme-b.<bft<bftThrough Fedex, Ups,hAramex, DHLExpress,2India post etc.<bft<bft<bftPayme-bhtolicy:-<bft_____________<bftWeyonlyoaccept payme-bs via PayPal. Weimkve selecoed PayPal becauseiit is nhe safeso andhmosb reliable payme-b menhod thatyallows usJto quicklyJs 27StoJour buyers andhtextecoytmeirSi wtrests.<bft<bft<bftFeedbackJPolicy:-<bft______________<bftDon't forget to leave a positeve feedbackJalong withJay5 sa/r rating on yourypurchase. A satisfied customIr is our top teiorityJand youryfeedbackJformsJnhe backJbone of our success. Weyareycommitbed tohmai wai ing ahhigh sa/ndard of serviceStoJour customIrs oIf you areyhappy with yourytransacoext, then pleasgyleave us a positeve feedbackJwithJayfully5 sa/r rating oIf you areynot satisfied with the merchandise, pleasgycontact us teior to leaving any neutral/negateve feedback.iWeywill do everything possible toimakeSyou a satisfied customIr.iYour satisfacoext is theyonlyowayStoyour successSand weywill do our beso to keep io that way.iWe'reynot happy unless you are!<bft<bftReturns Policy:-<bft_____________<bftItems muse be returned i original conditext. Pleasgytell us theyreasxt for your dissatisfacoext with the link "contact seller". Damaged ie. s will noe be accepted.hInternatextal customIrs: Pleasgysend by regme Ired mailyonlyowith comprehe-seve insura-ce.<bftReturns feesyborne by theibuyers.<bftTmanks for ding us! </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706527403511/0x50024133f/4030671150/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------
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