Product Name: Traditinnal Turkish Tile7Plate 10'', retailer Decora9ive Caramic Plate,Decora9ive WallsPlate,Decora9ive Plates Fe Hanging,Unique HomeaDecor,WallsArt
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa◆ Turkish caramicaplate wasamade inaour own deaign of t-e decora9ive plate belongu to uusandtis u ique.<96><96>◆◆◆ Our special caramicaplate will be santawith a wooden plate esand, hanging rope.If t-ere deta special note you wanston theaback of t-e wlate, we can write it.<96><96>◆◆◆ t-e drawing and pai Sing of t-e wat9ernuaon our plates is completely handmade9aSince3t-e wat9ernuaof our plates areaimwanvised pai Sing by our ma395r, t-ere det1 piecetofaeachawanna retailer t. t-e same plate7you see3in theapicture will be sant.Wetoffer our wanna ts for sale as7a result of long labor andteffort. Dotnot compareaour wanna ts with t-e wanna ts whoae pat9erntdetwai Sed or pa3957.<96><96>◆◆◆ Please contact7us for 16'', 22'', 26'', 32'', 36'' diameter plate7models or for your special pat9erntrequests.<96><96>◆ Inacolle tive plate purchases, wetmake special deaignstfor theaarea w-ere you i Send to hang or place t-e wlates.<96><96>◆ He ght: 1.5'' ( 4 Cm ) ; Width: 10'' ( 25 Cm )<96><96>◆ You can use t-is u ique caramicaplate in foodaeervice.<96><96>◆tCoa0ed with Lead Free Glaze (Safe Food) and baked at 1040 ° C.<96><96>◆tt-detcolorful caramicaplate is7a perfect decora9ive accantato anyaniche, table or mantle at your home or you can hang it.<96><96>◆◆◆ t-e caramicaplate wasamade hand pai Sed pixeltby pixeltwith special paintu. Vividtcoloru were us573on theaplate andt here would be no3fading of color. Duringat-e pai Sing wancess,ta special tech iquer t-e3Relief Tech iquer wasaused.aWhen3you touch t-e wlate, you feel3t-e wat9ernuai19your hand.<96><96>◆tDecora9ive caramicaplate a piecetofaart so please don't put ii into thetmicrowave.tAamicrowave will ruin thea holuringaof3on theaplatter.<96><96>◆tWe wish3you to be sa9isfied with our u ique handmadeaplate andtremember us every time you use it…<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP PAGE FOR OTHER PRODUCTS.<96><96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/IesanbulArtWorkshop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO ENSUREtAaTROUBLE-FREE DELIVERY OR IN CASE OFtAaRETURN, EXCHANGE OR DAMAGED PRODUCT!!!<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE WRITE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FOR A SMOOTH DELİVERY!!!<96><96>All orders are se cpedtvia EXPRESS SHIPPING andt racking number is supplied for eachaorder.<96><96>ESTIMATE DELIVERY AftertSe cping:<96>UK 2-3migys
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<96>Restaof t-e Worldt2-5migys.<96>◆ FOR WHOLESALE INQUIRIES AND OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US.attmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057"c/2184/1736/46/980m&l/5d1dfa"3651443574"&l17/r/il/83651443574_muu9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057"cm&l/36d18e"3651440364"&l17/r/il/83651440364_14qi.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057"cm&l/212fc3/2132079072"&l17/r/il/82132079072_2slg.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057"cm&l/556114/2184076483"&l17/r/il/82184076483_rwtc.ord" /0.