Product Name: Ultimate vintage retailer pokemon super rocket mewtwo mega bundle
this lot is fire,1 tcg lightening box,1 mini portfolio holds 60 cards and has 1 pack inside,2 booster packs, chilling reign and astral radiance,1 mini tin,1 factory pack with oricorio holo and big coin,1 double pack factory sealed evolving skies with battle figure pin,1 lycanroc game box, 1 tepig holo in factory sealed pack wit coin,1 gold pikachu coin,6 vintage rare cards,1 2003 gold card combusken,1 95 to 2001 forretress holo card good condition,1 bisharp holo with another in original sealed plastic, from over 7 years ago,1 tauros holo newer 2021,2 vintage japanese pocket monsters cards never seen them but their in great condition cool to have,1 rockets mewtwo from 90's. in good retailer condition vintage,and 1 vintage erikas dragonair . enjoy adding cool cards to collection their free with purchase of bundle.