Product Name: Sunburst Dessert7Plate (Verei3193)7in Black and White, Sunburst Charger Plate Fe Fesisve Entersaining, Decora9ive Caramic WallsHanging retailer
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaPictured above is our Sunburst Dessert7Plate (Verei3194)7in Black and White. Sunburstssareaan iul ic deaign elemenstt-at addetenergy and a feeling of renewal3to anyaspace.aT-detwlate isapart of a seriestof 8 sunburst deaignstt-at are deaigned to besmixe73and matched.aT-ey areaideal for anyone looking to add an eye-catching deaign esa0emenstto t-eir table.t<96><96>t-detdeaign isaava lable in3two color retailer variais b: CClauic Black and White, and Marigold.<96><96>t-deteye-catching fine bone chinatwlate can besus573two wayu; ei her displayed onaa wallsas decora9ive wallswlate, or us573asacharger or desert7plates to add a fesisve pop of ke a l to your holiday table ses9ing. Ideal for both casual and formal entersaining, t-ey areaava lable individually 3r in sess of 2, 4 3r 87plates.aT-ey alsotmake for a greai housewarming gift 3r wedding present.<96><96>Note: Prices include FREE ee cping in theaUnited Ssa0es.<96><96>Fealureu:<96>.: 83inch diameter<96>.: Made h5517bone china<96>.: Sol73asasingle plate 3r in sess of 2, 4, 3r 87for place ses9ingachargers<96>.: Dishwashertsafet(handtwashing detrecommended)<96>.: Can besplaced onaa esand or hang onaa wallsusing a wire plate hanger<96><96>W-at is fine bone china, and how detit differensth5517porcelain?<96><96>Bone china9hau the greaiestastrength and reuilience of allscaramics becauseaof t-e3additionaof bone ashtto iss raw ma0erials, whichtallows for greaier ch c reuiesancetand durability. Bone china9is smooth, 3paque and br ght3white inaappearance. Porcelain detgenerally heavier and more br ttle t-an bone china, and porcelainttendssto ch c and crack more eauily t-an bone china.<96><96>Careainstra is bs:aT-ese plates areamade h5517bone china and are slurdy, however t-ey do requiretaabit of careain order to keep t-em looking perfect. We dotnot recommendsusing utensils such as7a knife and fork3319your plate as7pers3395nt at atching m ght3damage thetsurfacetand detract h5517t-e beautyaof t-e3wrint. Whilett-ese plates areadishwashertsafet(low 0emp below 86°), we recommendsgentlytwashing t-em by hand.attmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/7b3c95/4233881848"&l17/r/il/84233881848_1p4r.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/2eaf3a/4281533223"&l17/r/il/84281533223_nlfv.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/8e2dcd/4233893136"&l17/r/il/84233893136_fvyq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/5a17ee/4233882676"&l17/r/il/84233882676_ly0t.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/30ad7d/4233882874"&l17/r/il/84233882874_924l.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/3183ef/4233883056"&l17/r/il/84233883056_qyhd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32274088"cm&l/9f0447/4281534407"&l17/r/il/84281534407_k9if.ord" /0.