Wedding Bouquet retailer | Bridal Bouquet | Purple & Lavender Hydrangea+ Roses (Large), Wedding Bouquet | Bridal Bouquet | Purple & Lavender Hydrangea+ Roses (Large) purchases
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Wedding Bouquet retailer | Bridal Bouquet | Purple & Lavender Hydrangea+ Roses (Large), A delightful and delicate bouquet of roses and hydrangea blossoms This large bouquet has.
A delightful and delicate bouquet of roses and hydrangea blossoms. This large bouquet has purple and lavender silk roses surrounded by numerous hydrangea blooms. The silk floral hydrangea is custom dyed just for us in gorgeous shades of lavender and purple. This stunning silk wedding bouquet will blend perfectly with a broad spectrum of colors; from the lightest lilac to the deepest eggplant. The stems are wrapped in white satin ribbons
Our artificial hydrangea is a wonderful alternative to finicky fresh hydrangea. The fresh retailer version is well known for wilting flat without warning. Nobody wants withered blooms on their wedding day. Make sure that your bouquet will look fantastic for your entire wedding day. Our gorgeous blooms will stay vibrant and strong forever!
Overall Dimensions: 10 in wide x 12 in lon