Harbour Side Painting, Coastal Cottages, Beach Houses, retailer Harbour, Seside Cottages, Coastal Art, Harbour, Boats, Harbour Cottages, Painting
Harbour side Painting Coastal Cottages Harbour Art Harbour Painting Nautical Art Boats.
Harbour side Painting, Coastal Cottages, Harbour Art, Harbour Painting, Nautical Art, Boats, Seaside Art.
Colourful Decorative Coastal Cottages in Mixed media, acrylic, gouache, collage, hand drawing.
A fun but calming piece to add a Coastal Feel to any room of the house.
Inspired by Liz's travels in her VW Campervan!
The art was hand painted by Liz, A4 in size, to fit A4 Frame, Painted onto high quality, heavy weight paper.
Art is sold unframed, photograph added to show how art looks in white contemporary frame.
All art carefully packaged in tissue, sleeve and backed on board.
Please contact us first if you require special delivery/tracked and signed for an extra fee. retailer