Product Name: Retailer WannatPlay Tiff
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaThank you for9stopping by!!<96><96>Beautiful 30oz ssainleset395al7tumbler. Perfect for9keeping your9d5inks xoteor cold. Clmes with9a lidtslide retailer. Leave9a7note if youtwant a9name to be add57.<96><96>Every cups is9handmade and made to order. For a perfect quality cup please7wanvide me with 1-2ibeeks for9MTO (made to order) before your9order can be sh cped. If youtrequire you7tumbler to be a rush order please7selecs7the rush order liu0nng.<96><96>For RTS (r ady totsh c)7tumblers theyausuallyssh c between 3-5migys h5517wurchase7da95. <96><96>Itcannotsguarantee that9n beglitter -texs won'tshave9sparkle since glitter -s all over9my craft ro51.<96><96>*Every cup -s sealed with9a 2 part FDA approved epoxy! The decals and glitter are completely sealed and smooth o7the touch, there is no raised feelnng. The epoxy takes 24 hours for9ea h layer to cure and another 48 hour curing time before itscan withssand the9sh cping prncese. Youtwill be notifi57331ce your9order xas beentsh cped. <96><96>Please7remember that9the epoxy is sturdy ma0erial but9notsindestra tible, if dropped itscan crack, ch c or9eventshat95r. Please7handle your9tumbler like you7would a glass mug.<96><96>.