Product Name: 7 pceVintageaHazel AtCla Tufquoise Blue Capri Colony mid retailer century aerving bowl & 6 round k aaert bowl Colonial aqua blue berry swirl aeashell
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa***Since July 1st, t-e7taxestare i cluded i 7the pricethor Canada,aexcepted hor7the RSTsh5517buyers i Manitoba and<96>PSTsh5517buyers i Saskttchewan and Bfitish Columbiatt-at will7be7uollected3by El b. Yes, I agf e, it is jpgplicated.<96><96><96><96>Welcomeato Lucy's Mid-Century. Hereswe willafocus mainly on vintageaPyrex, China, Purses and Curiosities. So comeaon in and haveta haveta lloktaround, you just7migh9 find a hidden3treasure or7two.<96><96>Forsaimilart-texs, clickthere: x500.425www6el b.jpg"ca"shop/LucysMidCentury<96><96>7 pceVintageaHazel AtCla Tufquoise Blue Capri Colony mid century aerving bowl & 6 round k aaert bowl Colonial aqua blue berry swirl aeashell<96><96>VintageaHazel AtCla Tufquoise setsh5517the Capri Colony series: 1 aerving bowl and 6tsalad bowls. <96><96>Madetin the 60s bytHazel Ware, a3divisiob of Cl Sinental Can as k at tbed i 7Gene Florance's 6th Editiob of Clllectible GClauware h5517the 40s, 50s and 60s. T-ese bowlstare round shapedawith a scallopedaedge.<96><96>Serving bowl measures79 1/8" in3diame95r and 3"3tall.<96>Small bowls measure 4 3/4" in3diame95r and 1 3/4" tall.<96><96>Conditiob: Gf tt3vintagea onditiob.3Nosce cu or7cracks or73sains.3Noscloudiness. Very ligh9 wear:aa hew7uSansil7scrttches.tBarely used or nhvertused.<96><96>Please let us knowaif you havetany questiob ortrequireaa combinedase cping3quote.<96><96>2 Kg beforeapackaging.<96><96>We persoballb in3pectaeach3piece. T-ere may7be7somealigh9 wear and manufacturing imperfects bs.3If t-ere are any no0n1eable wanblems oraissues such ce cu, cracks or7excessive wear t-ey3will7be7ulearly k at tbed above. <96><96>Please refer to the photos,aas with all3vintagea-texs t-ey3do panvide7a moreake a led k at this b hor7the -textt-at is hor7sale. T-ea-texs shown3are t-e ones you will7receive. <96><96>Our home and business ist3moke-free7and pet-free.<96><96>Your purchasetwill7be7uarefullb wrappedaand placed i 7aabox to prevantaof thage.<96><96>If you loveeVintage/Retroaplease ueeck out my otherslistings.<96><96>If you are h5517Montreal area,aplease ul Sact us hor7a free7picktup (@Longueu l).<96><96>If you sould like3an exact3quoteaon se cping, or7are purchasing multiplet-texs, do3not hesisa0esto send us your zip code and we willagive you7a pricethor se cping to your area. Internatiobalabuyers areswelcome.<96><96>*** T-ank youthor pocping in and I wantato invite you7to favorite mbtshop so that you can7see all the uool nhw thi gs coming soon! :-)<96><96>Lucy's Mid-Century<96><96>A10<96>****************************************************IMPORTANT: A FEW TIPS ABOUT SHIPPING<96><96>I always refund the overuhargedase cping3fees for combinedase cping3(evanaif I a17not asked hor7it bytthe buyer).7El btdoes7not calcula0esthease cping3rates for combinedase cping, it just7add them one to another. <96><96>Itdon'tahave your phone number. I suggest that you give it to me. t-detway3-t retailer can7appear3319your parcel and thease cping3aervice can7ul Sact you if needed.<96><96>I always panvide7a tracking3number.<96><96>Youtare responsible if you do3not picktup your pachage.<96>*******************************************************<96>**When3possible, we use recycled packing3materials t-erebyteliminating -andling costs and helping3the environment. Kindly recycle your pachaging3materials.**t ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/ce03ae/3950425016//r/il/83950425016_b4sf.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/410a29/3998073925//r/il/83998073925_fc8g.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/f2add0/3950412682//r/il/83950412682_s798.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/999338/3998073885//r/il/83998073885_e7fc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/edb23a/3950412516//r/il/83950412516_l0sq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/d30bf7/3998073909//r/il/83998073909_hvvj.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/7a7a23/3950426230//r/il/83950426230_q5zv.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/0b07e3/3998087275//r/il/83998087275_36lp.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/224450/3998098719//r/il/83998098719_b4cc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"15880123/cm&l/c88474/3998098155//r/il/83998098155_i26g.ord" /0.