Sunset retailer Dumortierite Bracelet, Blue Dumotierite Bracelet, Blue Gemstone Bracelet, Women's Beaded Bracelet, Stacking Bracelet, Gift For Her
Chakras - Throat Chakra Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac -.
Chakras - Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac - Leo
Vibration - Number 4
Typical colors - Blue, greenish-blue, violet-blue, pale blue, red
Healing with Dumortierite:
♥ Support ♥ Tranquility ♥ Harmony
Dumortierite is a very high vibrational stone that unlocks your third eye chakra, as well as activating unique psychic abilities. These abilities can range from simple actions such as remembering one's dreams better, too lucid dreaming, astral projection, connection with higher realms, synchronicities, channeling, and even forms of ESP.
Dumortierite's powers raise one's intuitive side, as well as their intellectual capacity. Simply carrying or wearing this stone will attune one to the higher knowledge they will soon be receiving. One major indication that Dumortierite's powers have imbued you is the increase in your own personal memory, as well as your mind being able to retain and understand new information coming at you daily.
When it comes to increasing one's memory and mental capacity, Dumortierite will be the best stone you can get your hands on. We recommend this stone to anyone studying for tests who has a hard time holding onto the information in which they read. We suggest retailer setting an intention into your Dumortierite piece and keeping it next to you as you study, as well as putting a piece in your pocket throughout the day to serve as a reminder of the mission you are on. Let the stone speak back to you and refresh your memory of all the ideas you've just recently absorbed. Most importantly, make sure you bring it the day of your test!
Place your Dumortierite in front of you at your desk and allow its intuitive energy to be released and fill your entire environment. When the test is complete and your intention is fulfilled, its exceptionally vital to clear the stone of your old intention. Once done, this stone is ready to serve you once more and help keep you moving forward on your life path.
Dumortierite can sometimes be found as an inclusion within Quartz. This combo stone is like no other and is extremely rare. Dumortierite's powers are greatly enhanced by the Quartz crystal and may even be too powerful for some practitioners. We recommend a grounding stone for anyone who is unsure if they're able to understand and cooperate with the enormous power radiating off this mineral. For increasing one's connection to higher realms and dimensions, try meditating with this piece over your third eye and see just how powerful this stone is. One will soon realize the great potential Dumortierite can offer, as well as the importance of this mineral when trying to protect yourself into higher vibrations.
Dumortierite helps to bring calm, relaxation, and harmony, being extremely helpful in situations where you need to reduce over excited behavior, and stubbornness.
A supportive stone, it encourages confidence and standing up for oneself, whilst staying true to one's beliefs and feelings. It also allows you to see the potential of those around you. Dumortierite is an excellent stone for patience and calm in difficult situations.
Dumortierite works with the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. A stone of communication, it also stimulates verbalization of ideas. It promotes an understanding of the natural order of the Universe.
Dumortierite helps provide strength in dealing and coping with disease, providing insights in order to help understand and correct the cause of a condition. It is particularly helpful in reducing headaches and tension that are caused by stress.
Mother Earth has given us the best gift: Minerals and gemstones to enjoy and benefit from. When purchased, this bracelet will be cleansed to enhance the natural properties of the gemstones and Reiki charged with intention to bring harmony and happiness to your life.
This bracelet is unisex and made with stretch cord. Please select your size from the drop down menu.
Dumortierite Beads are 12mm