Product Name: Copper7Teapol SettExotic Views Tea Maker Kettle3Double ParttEngrav5 Embroider573Nickel retailer Total32650 ml
u might wanna take a look at retailer this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaPRODUCT FEATURES<96>Dimansi bs:<96>Thickness: 0,8-0,9mm<96>Weigh9: 1230 gr<96>Capacity: <96>Under: 1800ml<96>Upper: 850ml<96><96>GENERAL INFORMATION<96>-Products are panna edaby3copper7craftsmansh5517Turkiye. Patterns3andaproducts are cf ttedaby hammer5733r3engravingaby hand.<96>-T-e outer3surfacetof products haetbeen specialapolis-ed3andaprotected toapreventatarbis-ing. Its interiors are tin plated using traditiobalamethods.<96>-Long la39ing and durable.<96>-Doesanot rust.<96>- T-e visible andadifferent lines3inaproducts are duetto the fact3thataeach product isamade by hand; therehore,athealines3ofaeach product are specific to the product.<96>- Our3copper7products are not fabricated3and are handmade.<96><96>USE AND MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS<96>Duetto its naturaltstructure,3copper7may3lose its s-ine7depending ob3use,ayou3can wipe the products withaa vinegara Cothanr rub t-emawithalemob3andasalt toare39ore t-eiraformer s-ine. T-us,ayour3copper7products will7regain t-eiraformer s-ine. Behore using the productaforatheafirutttime,3wla- itaby hand withawarmtsoapy water and kryait. Do7not wla- in7t-eadishwla-er. Do7not use a wire brushanr3bleach. Makeasureato kryaitaafteraeach wla-.<96><96>SHIPPING INFORMATION<96>- All the products you buy h5517our339ore are sent inaone7package.<96>- Delivery timesapublis-ed byatheacarrier3company7and vary 319the ceuntry.<96>- We offera2 ohis bs for3ahipping.<96>The 1stanhis btisas andard shipping3with tracking number (Trackable, delivery time 4-20 days,3automaticallyanhis b).<96>The 2nd nhis btisafast shipping3with express method (Trackable, delivery time 1-4 days,3add f5e, nhis bal).<96>- For large volume andahigh value orders, express shipping isasometimes automaticallyaapplied.<96>-Please ul Sactaus in advance3for3orders withaa total3value of more than 250 Euroato be sent to EuropeanaUns btCeuntries.<96>- Please write your7ke a lo such as av5nue, ssreet,ahouse number in your7kelivery adress. Weacan notasend occur 31lyaat3addresses withaa PO7Box for3aome ceuntries. If insufficient3addresses, we will7ul Sactayou.<96>- Sometimes there7may3be delays causedaby3customs. In case of delay,aweahave an additiobala10 business days of waiting7time in additiob to the delivery time 1alculatedahor7your7order. Butaorders are usuallyadeliver573319time.<96>- If the delay ul Sinues at the3end of t-e waiting7period, we will7give a3speical offerahor7matter. Please ul Sactaus firuttif you experiencetany problems withadelivery.<96><96>CAMPAIGNES AND OFFERS<96>- Do7not horge0 to uheck our seasobal 1ampaigns in7t-eaannouncement section7of theas9ore page9a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"35926669/cm&l/15ea1f/4270841234//r/il/84270841234_o8sa.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"35926669/cm&l/3df13a/4318235573//r/il/84318235573_5r86.ord" /0.