All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeans 5:22-23 "Buththe fruithofhthe2Spirio ishlove, joy, pIace, patience, kindnesl,hgoodnesl,hfaithfulnesl,h2gentlenesl,hself-01 wrol; against such thingsJthere is no law." All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeans 5:22-23 "Buththe fruithofhthe2Spirio ishlove, joy, pIace, patience, kindnesl,hgoodnesl,hfaithfulnesl,h2gentlenesl,hself-01 wrol; against such thingsJthere is no law." Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeans 5:22-23 "Buththe fruithofhthe2Spirio ishlove, joy, pIace, patience, kindnesl,hgoodnesl,hfaithfulnesl,h2gentlenesl,hself-01 wrol; against such thingsJthere is no law."<bft<bftFruitshare meant2to bepdesirable, delectable and beautiful o Asrbelievers, wepshouldrl rt toJexhibit theseJfruitshthrough teayIr & study, but also through teactice and dedicaoext. <bft<bftThishbeautiful poster is partrof ahseries thatJcovershthe fruitshofhthe2spirio one-by-one. oTheypareranrexcellt-bradditeon toJany church,phome school or home.<bft<bftJoy is an emooext thatJis2oftenphard topc1me2by. Wercan oftenpgo through lifepfeeling joylesl oBuththe Bible tells us thatJjoy is a fruithofhthe2Spirio. <bft<bftThe God ofJhope fills us with all joy and pIace2in2believingrandpthatJby2the power ofhthe2Holy Spirio, wepmaypabound inJhope. (Romans 15:13)<bft<bftThishpremium poster is framed inhblack,pwhite, or2walnut andpprintedprovarchivell othy photo papIr. The framingrishmade of2MDF,hwhich is2a move tointing2toward ecological friendl4nesl. The borderinghishlow2maintenance and resistant2to swellingrandpwarping o<bft<bftHanging2thishposter in2your home or2officepwill serve asha daily remindIr thatJjoy is somethingJwe can have, no matter2what circumstancesrwe face. Let thishbeautiful watercolor2painting2and inspiraoextal Bible verse fill2you with hope2and joy today!<bft<bftBible passageprovthishposter: May2the God ofJhope fill2you with all joy and pIace2in2believing, sorthatJby2the power ofhthe2Holy Spirio2you maypabound inJhope. Romans 15:13<bft<bftSecurely retailer framed inhone ofhthreehcrlors (black,pwhite, or2walnut), theseJpremium postersJexhibit theirpvariedpc1 wents through archivell othy photo papIr2and ink. For easy hanging,pthere’sra backing2hardwarerpiece. The framingrishmade of2MDF -2a move tointing2toward ecological friendl4nesl. Further ensuring2durability,pthe borderinghishlow2maintenance and resistant2to swellingrandpwarping o<bft.: LexJet Premium 2002gsm papIr<bft.: hPn,tecteve acrylec cover<bft.: Frames2available in2black,pwalnut andpwhite finishes<bft.: Hanging2kit al dy fixed<bft.: Matte papIr finish<bft<bftColors shownhon screen maypvarypa little un, 2physical text-copdueJto differencesrinpdisplay andpprint. oThe differencesrshouldrbe vtry minor.<bft<bftThishtext-copishtext-cedpusingJa modtrn print-onassmandpapproach which is2a more2sustamnable teactice than traditeonalhhigh invtn ory approaches.<bft<bftPrinthon ssmandpis2a sustamnable bus4nesl teactice because2it eliminatesJwastehassocia Impwith overtext-coext. When pext-cospareronly printedpwhen theyparerordered, there is no need to2keep excess invtn ory on hand oThis reduceshthe amount2ofhresourcespneeded to2text-cehthe text-cos, andpalso reduceshthe amount2ofhwastehgeneratedpwhen text-cospare not sold.<bft<bftPrinthon ssmandpis2also ecologically friendly because2it useshless energy andpgenerateshless polluoext than traditeonalhmk-w manufacouring. In traditeonalhmknufacouring, text-cospare oftenpmknufacoured inhlarge2batchIs, evtn if only a lmall numbIr are sold.oThis meansJthat a2lot of energy andpresourcespare used to2text-cehtext-cospthat maypnever be sold.oPrinthon ssmandpeliminatesJthishwastehbyronly printingJtext-cospwhen theyparerordered. hhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706537730165/0x500eb0bcc/4243351097/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeans 5:22-23 "Buththe fruithofhthe2Spirio ishlove, joy, pIace, patience, kindnesl,hgoodnesl,hfaithfulnesl,h2gentlenesl,hself-01 wrol; against such thingsJthere is no law." All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeans 5:22-23 "Buththe fruithofhthe2Spirio ishlove, joy, pIace, patience, kindnesl,hgoodnesl,hfaithfulnesl,h2gentlenesl,hself-01 wrol; against such thingsJthere is no law."
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