All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■on 2garaki Yaki(ware) JapanesepRaccorovDog Figure - Female All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■on 2garaki Yaki(ware) JapanesepRaccorovDog Figure - Female Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■on 2garaki Yaki(ware) JapanesepRaccorovDog Figure - Female<bft<bftMaterial : Pottery<bftSize: aboutp14.0 x 17.0 x 11.02cm / 5.512x 6.692x 4.332inches (width, height,Jdepth)<bft<bftMadepin Japan!<bft<bftThishlie ing is for a cuteon 2garaki Yaki(ware) JapanesepRaccorovDog Figure - Female.<bft<bftn 2garaki Yaki(ware) i a typeJofrstoneware pottery madepin n 2garaki area, Japan. The kiln i onehof the SixrAnceent Kilnspin Japan2 Although figures representing the tanuki are a popular text-co2included as n 2garaki ware, the kiln and2local pottery traditext has a2long hie ory.o<bft<bft<bftThishRaccorovDog Figure is vIry cute!<bft<bftGreat gift for men, women!!<bft<bft** Pleasepnote thishi a pre-order lie ing.<bftI will order the RaccorovDog Figure un, 2our supplier2once your order is 01 firmed.<bftIt will take aboutp3-52dayshfor me topreceivepthe RaccorovDog Figure un, 2the supplier.<bftI will sendJoutpthe RaccorovDog Figure as -oon a poss4ble after Ipreceivepit un, 2our supplier.<bft<bft[S 27ping]<bftThe item2will be = 27pedJby regmstered airma c.<bftTracking servicehis avt cablepfor most countries.<bftThere is also2a maximum $60.00 iosurance.<bftThe avIragepdelivIry time2isp1-3 weekshun, 2Japan topmost countries.<bft**But it mayrtake longer depending on the transporta 4xt, customs clearance as well as the mail handling retailer procedures and other factors in the countryhof desoenatext.<bft<bftWe will b 27Jthe item2within 3-5 business2dayshafter 01 firming the payment.<bft** Wepdo nob b 27Jon Saturdays, Sundays, and natextal holidays.<bft<bftWI are happyptop01mbine = 27ping on multiplerpurchases.<bftThe discountedp01mbined = 27ping ra e will b ow up autom/343ally when2you add items topyour shopping 0art.<bftThe = 27ping cost of thishRaccorovDog Figure includes the pricehof the tracking number & iosurance.<bftSo2if you order thishRaccorovDog Figure and the other items together, you don't haveptopupgrade the = 27ping when2you 0heck out.<bftAll of your items will be = 27pedJby regmstered airma c2with tracking number & iosurance!<bft<bft-Thanks for visi 4ng mc shop!- hh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706512896450x0x5005bf876x3812380188/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■on 2garaki Yaki(ware) JapanesepRaccorovDog Figure - Female All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■on 2garaki Yaki(ware) JapanesepRaccorovDog Figure - Female
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