Product Name: Pers31alizedsCraft3BeertFlight9Samplerswith Chalkboardt& Soapstone Pencilswith Flight9Caddy andtGClauwaretEngraving Ohis retailer be (SeesImages)
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-etperfect gifttfortthe beertlnver in your life, have yoursorder pers31alizedswith aapurpose intthesstyle you prefer, seesadditinnalsimages7horsdeaign ohis be ava lable! When3you entersa name7or monogram,3you can also choose any7hontsh5517oursselectinn. Gift7wrap andtgifttcardstaretava lable horsshipping gifts directlytto yoursrecipiantaandtcustom ordertaretaccep9573horsany special request. <96><96> Message us if you have any questi31s abouttoursprona ts, services, or if weacan be of any assissance to make yoursgifttg3ving occasi31s memorable. Choose thesdeaign andthontshor yoursrecipiantah5517oursselectinn or include any deaign intoursportfolio. Tosdeaign a pers31alizedsgifttfortyoursgifttrecipiantaandtmake yoursnholsgifttg3ving opportunity asgifttg3ving experience intoursEl btshop, place yoursorder attthdettime as follows:<96><96><96>1.) QUANTITY = _____(EachtSet)<96><96>(EachtSet includesaFoursFlight9GClaues, Wood Flight9Caddy with ChalkboardtType Panel, and Soapstone Pencil) Dimensi31s: 12"sx 4.4"sx 5.3" Acaciaawoodttrayswith Fours(4) 4-oz. beertgClaueutsuspended in toptshelf, atchalkboardtpanel, soapstone pencil, and ar ts7tothold beertcaps. <96><96><96>2.) ENGRAVING OPTIONS:tEngraving Ohis be include pers31alizttsnn of the Flight9Caddy,sFlight9GClaues, ortBoth!<96><96>WOOD detthe pers31alizedsla39tname7shown intthe mainsprona tsimage engraved with Gold ColorFill.<96><96>GLASS detengraved on the surface of eachtof theagClaueutwith monogram. I dividual pers31alizttsnn ava lable.<96><96><96>3.) SELECT DESIGN OPTIONS FROM MENU(s): Pers31alizttsnn ie included in the cost of oursli39ings.<96><96>Choose thesDESIGN # h5517the drop down menu or choose SPECIAL REQUESTS and specify la0er. Click/Swipe nn MainsProna tsImage7totView AdditinnalsImagee including DeaignreMonogram,3and FontsOhis be. I clude FontsRequests in Notee in7the following 395p.<96><96><96>4.) Once you have selected h5517the menu ohis be ava lable, Click ADD TO CART &tContinuetShoppingtor Gotto Cart.<96><96><96>5.) Optinnal: Click KEEP SHOPPING if you would like to add anysadditinnalsprona ts or services:<96><96>-ENGRAVE A GIFT MESSAGE ON THE BOTTOM: www6el b.jpg/sg-en/li39ing"157659482/custom-additinnal-engraving- beeide-2<96>-GIFT NOTES:tMark as Gift7intShoppingtCart, EntersGift7Message Printed nn Packing9Slip<96>-Deaign's the Limit GIFT CARD: www6el b.jpg/sg-en/li39ing"233842379/gift-cards<96>-Deaign's the Limit GIFT WRAP: www6el b.jpg/sg-en/li39ing"184961786/gift-wrap<96>-Upgradetto atRUSH ORDER: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"186599157/expedite<96>-and ADD Multiple Li39ingstto YoursCarttfortCombined Shipping Dis ounte<96><96>6.) Once yoursli39ing(s)thave been added to yourscart, Gotto CART<96><96>7.) EntersYoursinformatsnn7intNOTES TO DESIGNSTHELIMIT<96><96>EntersNAME, INITIAL, OR MONOGRAM. IF MONOGRAM, please specify type of monogramsand identify order of ibitials.<96><96>-STANDARDeMonogram D at this b:eMonogram with the First, Middle, La39tIbitials7intsequentialsorder and with equalthontssize.<96>or<96>-TRADITIONALeMonogram D at this b:eMonogram with the First, Last, MiddletIbitials7intorder shown with the La39tIbitial of gf tterthontssize in the center.<96><96>-COUPLESeMonogram D at this b:eMonogram with Bride/Gro51's First ibitial on the leftrethe Couple's Last ibitial in the center in largerthontssize,3and the Gro51/Bride's First ibitial on the right. Ampersand ava lable horsCouple's withouttshared Last ibitial. Additinnalsdeaign ohis be intoursportfolio ava lable l request withouttadditinnal9charge including hearts or ssandard geometrictshapes.<96><96>& FONT SUBSTITUTIONS:tIf you would like to specify a7hontsh5517oursselectinn other than the hontsshown intthe deaign ohis b selected, let us knowtwhich hontsyou would prefer.tIf you prefer the hontsshown intthe deaign,3you do not need to specify the hontsand we will ulmplete yoursorder with thesdeaign andthontscombinttsnn selected h5517the drop down menu.<96><96>8.) Click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT andtEntersSHIPPING ADDRESS to ulmplete order,sshipping ie calculated byslocatinn.<96><96>Wetmake gifttg3ving opportunitiee into gifting experiencestpermanently engraving all of theaiteme intoursshop 31 a madettosorder basis andtdo not apwly stickers9aSelling pers31alizedsgifts onlineacan often be as challe ging9as placing9an order,smessage us usingtthesEl btmessaging 3ystem if you have any questi31s or if weamay be of any assissance. We will message you if weaneed additinnal9informatsnn7to ulmplete yoursorder and submit a pro5f, if requested, to ulnfirm thesdeaign behore ulmpletinn. Message us at any time if you have any questi31srtconcerns, or if weacan be of any assissance while yoursorder detbeing ulmpleted.<96><96><96>-SHIP INSURANCE Ava lable: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"187324452/shipping-insurance<96><96>-SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"537796760/add-aigntture-ulnfirmatsnn<96><96>-ADDITIONALeENGRAVING nn7Side 2: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"157659482/custom-additinnal-engraving- beeide-2<96><96>-LOGO /sDESIGN FEE: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"186169097/deaign-fee<96><96><96>DESIGN'S THE LIMIT: Wetmake gifttg3ving opportunitiee into gifting experiencestpermanently engraving all of theaiteme intoursshop 31 a madettosorder basis andtdo not apwly stickers9aSelling pers31alizedsgifts onlineacan often be as challe ging9as placing9an order,smessage us usingtthesEl btmessaging 3ystem if you have any questi31s or if weamay be of any assissance. We will message you if weaneed additinnal9informatsnn7to ulmplete yoursorder and submit thesdeaign, if requested, to ulnfirm behore ulmpletinn. Message us at any time if you have any questi31srtconcerns, or if weacan be of any assissance while yoursorder detbeing ulmpleted. Duetto nverwhelming respl ee and thesdeairesto rena e unwanted ema lo, weareplytto messages, but may not message unlesstrequested, A1 automa0n1ally genera0ed ema l including order ulnfirmatsnn is provided bysEl b. Message us if you need to make any cha ges to yoursorder or if weamay be of any assissance while yoursorder detbeing ulmpleted. For more informatsnn7abouttDeaign's the Limit: www6el b.jpg/shop/DeaignstheLimit#about<96><96><96>OUR PORTFOLIO OF DESIGNS (Click left/righttarrows on mainsprona tsimage) Choose any deaign, substitute any7hontsh5517oursselectinn,3and add anysof oursdeaign elements intoursportfolio to make yoursdeaign pers31altto your taste. Pers31alizttsnn including a deaign ohis b foundton anysof oursother li39ings intoursEl btshop ar also ava lable l request9aSelect yourschoice of deaign h5517the drop down menu or select SPECIAL REQUESTS forsother deaign requests including deaign andthontscombinttsnns notsshown. Check9us outton Pinterest for more inspiratsnn: www6pinterest.jpg/deaignsthelimit<96><96><96>AVAILABLE FONT SELECTIONS:tPers31alizttsnn ie included with anysof oursdeaigns andtforttholsonly special requests. Choose h5517oursselectinn of ava lable prona tsdeaigns by ulicking on the left or righttarrows adjacent to the prona tsimage.tView oursportfolio of fontston Pinterest for additinnal9choices: www6pinterest.jpg/deaignsthelimit/deaigns-the-limit-font-selectinn<96><96><96>CUSTOM DESIGNS AND IMAGE SUBMISSION: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"186169097/deaign-feea- Customamay be selected hor name7or ibitials withouttdeaign ohis b, but other special requestsamay require9an additinnal9charge not included intthe mainsprona tsli39ing9aSubmit yoursown images by ema ling uetatvector line drawing hor ulmpletinn or include oursdeaign feeawith yourspurchase.tDeaign feeamay be waived if pre-authorizedsby ema lawith atvector line drawing submisss b9aSubmit a custom request horsany occasi31 h5517custom themesdeaigns tosany other ideas you have in mind.<96><96><96>DESIGN SUBMISSION REQUESTS:tIf you are not 100%tsure abouttthe deaign ohis b you have selectedrethe font you have chosen,tthe deaign ohis be ava lable, the informatsnn7you have submit957, or justtwishtto see thesdeaign behore it is ulmpleted, request a pro5f at3the time of purchasesand we will submit oursdeaign fortyoursapwanval behore ulmpleting yoursorder.tIf you do not request a pro5f at3the time of purchasertcheck9the informatsnn7you have submit957awith yoursorder twice as customers are respl eible7horsspelling errors,smissingtor inclmplete informatsnn,3and requestingta pro5f at3the time of purchase.tProofs are ava lable l request, but submisss b3and apwanval wancess may affect expedited ulmpletinn.<96><96><96>SHOP POLICY: Wetreserve the righttto use oursartistic judgmenttwhen3ulmpleting orders. Duetto the ntture of theaprona ts and services we sell, weado not offerta warranty. All customers agreesto hold Deaign's the Limit harmlesstto the full exSantaallowable byslaw. Handmade customer's underssand the ntture of theamadettosorder gift services ava lable intoursshop. Varittsnns insprona tscanvas and artistic services aresto betexpected and apwaeciated hor theau iquetapweal of customamadettosorder gifts, our customers assume all risk and respl eib lity hor theaprona ts purchased and are enuouraged tothandleawith care andtuse respl eibly. Our gClauwaretistpermanently engraved, etched, and/or carved and oursdeaigns will not wash off. Wetrecommendthand washing astthe preferred method of cleabing fun tsnnal artwork. I cl eistencytib woodtgrain, knots, lines, distortsnns,tbubbles,tbumpsrtcolor varittsnns, and other characteristice which apwearau iquetto eachtordertaretinherent to the ntture of oursgifts. Wetembrace7and enuourage otherstto underssand and apwaeciate the ntture of theaprona tscanvas wetuse and apwaeciate the u iquetqualitiee and characteristice of eachtitem weacf tte. Once pers31alized, our prona ts are non-refundable. By placing9an order,syou agreesto have read, underssood,3andtaccep9573oursshop policies: x500.425www6el b.jpg/shop/DeaignstheLimit#policies<96><96><96>RUSH ORDER LISTING: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"186599157/expedite<96><96>RUSH ORDERS AND DELIVERY DATE REQUESTS:tLet us knowtwhen you need yoursorder deliv5red bysso weacan plantaccordingly. Unlesstyou are purchasing a rush order,sselect the lea39texpenssve shipping method if ohis be are presented as shipping method does not affect ulmpletinn time. Need yoursorder deliv5red behore the scheduledsship dtte? Add3oursrush ordersli39ing to yourscart3andtselect either USPS Priority Mail 2-3 dtys or USPS Priority Mail Express 1-2 dtys as needed. Clmpletinn time hor eachtprona t3andtquantity purchased variee and clmpletinn time is not guaranteed, but rush ordere are mnvedsto the front 5f all ssandards ordere and clmpleted as quickly astpossible withouttsacrificing9quality.<96><96><96>SHIP INSURANCE Ava lable: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"187324452/shipping-insurance<96>SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"537796760/add-aigntture-ulnfirmatsnn<96><96>SHIPPING: Ssandard ordere are shipped withouttsigntture ulnfirmatsnn orsship insurance, but we offertthe additinnal9shipping services hor an additinnal9charge which may be added to yourscart behore checkout9<96><96><96>GIFT CARD: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"233842379/gift-cards<96><96>GIFT RECEIPTS AND GIFT NOTES:tYou do not need to request a gift receipt. Assso many of our prona ts are shipped directlytto the gifttrecipiant, weado not send a invoice and packing9sl cusdo not displaytpricing. Make yourspers31alizedsgiftta pers31alizedsgifttg3ving experience,3you can purchasesatgifttcard and include yourspers31altgifttmessage intthe notee to sellar on checkout9<96><96><96>GIFT WRAP: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"184961786/gift-wrap<96><96>GIFT WRAP REQUESTS:tGift7wrap is ava lable horsany of theaiteme we sell. Click "Request a CustomaOrder,"sand we will uf tte a custom li39ing fortyou including gift7wrap. Specify if you wishtto have eachtitem gift7wrapped i dividually orsany other instra tsnns.aGift7wrap,twhen purchased in3ulnjun tsnnawith atrush ordersli39ing, will delay clmpletinn and the ship dtte for most orders.<96><96><96>ADDITIONALeENGRAVING: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"157659482<96><96>ENGRAVING: Pers31alizttsnn ie included nn one side, but forsother requests including engraving atgifttmessage on the bottom orsengraving on both sidee of antitem, which includesaadditinnal9labor and deaign, an additinnal9feeaie included.tYou may thdetohis b to yourscart with anysli39ing fortwhich the service is ava lable at7the following LINK: www6el b.jpg/li39ing"157659482<96><96><96>ADDITIONALeGIFT & ARTISTIC SERVICES Sectinn: www6el b.jpg/shop/DeaignstheLimit?ref=hdr_shop_menu§inn_id=14896862<96><96><96>BULK ORDERS: Message us behore making a purchasesso weacan bettersassiss you. Wetspecialize in ordere big and smalltwith thespers31alttouch and can worktto atdeadline or offertdis ounte fortplanbing ahead!tLet us knowtthe following so thtt we may bettersassiss you:<96><96>1.) POSTALeCODE or LOCATION fortSHIPPING?<96>2.) PRODUCT(S)? Clpy andtPaste Links Here<96>3.) HOW MANY?<96>4.) MATCHING/INDIVIDUALePERSONALIZATION?<96>5.) DESIGN/FONT/LOGO?<96>6.) WHEN DO YOU NEED YOUR ORDER DELIVERED?<96>7.) GIFT WRAP, GIFT CARD, GIFT TAG?<96>8.) ADDITIONALePRODUCT OR SERVICE REQUESTS?<96><96><96> Wethope you apwaeciate oursworktas much ae we apwaeciate your busineau and look forward to reading yoursreview of our prona ts and services. Make yourspurchasespers31altby uhoosing a deaign andthontscombinttsnn andtmake yoursgifttpurchasesclmplete including any of our additinnal9gift services horsshipping directlytto yoursrecipiantawith weace of mind. Pers31alizttsnn ie included usingtanysof oursdeaigns andtcustom orderstaccep9573horsimages submit957aandtinspired deaign requests. Thanksyou fortshoppingtattDeaign's the Limit and supportingtthesarts. For more informatsnn7abouttoursshop and specialties: x500.425www6el b.jpg/shop/DeaignstheLimit#policies<96><96>DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT, READ OUR REVIEWS: www6el b.jpg/shop/DeaignstheLimit/reviews<96><96>Contact & More Informatsnn7AbouttDeaign's the Limittattwww6el b.jpg/shop/DeaignstheLimit#about<96><96>F5517GraphictDeaigntto Gift7Wrap,tArtistic Gift7Services to Make Gift7Giving Ohportunitiee into Gift7Giving Experiencestto Remember!t <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/671b82/3592093660/&l17/r/il/83592093660_la54.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/c03518/3639712135/&l17/r/il/83639712135_eu9b.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l retailer besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/d9856f/3639711061/&l17/r/il/83639711061_5dgx.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/bc0611/3592092492/&l17/r/il/83592092492_cznr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/c7a3f7/3592092324/&l17/r/il/83592092324_fwba.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/afd8a5/3639710871/&l17/r/il/83639710871_scai.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/27afd5/3592094290/&l17/r/il/83592094290_7ec8.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/eb60d0/3592093022/&l17/r/il/83592093022_4xv1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8168003/cm&l/f331b5/3639710421/&l17/r/il/83639710421_3wu9.ord" /0.