Product Name: Wooden PrimitivetBowls Handmade7wooden Nestsng bowls Hand Craf9573Wooden Bowls FarmhoueesServing Bowl LargesTreenware Wooden SaladtBowl retailer s0l
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssWooden PrimitivetBowls Set Handmade7wooden Nestsng bowls Hand Craf9573Wooden Bowls Bowl FarmhoueesServing Bowl Largestreenware dough bowl<96>Lovely Cplors Handmade7wooden bowl Hand Craf9573Wood Bowls <96>3Wood Panna ts<96><96>Handmade7wooden bowls<96>Nestsng Bowls <96>1 largesBowl 11" diam x 3 1/2" T<96>47serving bowls 6 1/2" Diam<96>sServing Bowls , Ta0ers, Rolls, Saladtor Popcorn bowl<96><96>VIC 110<96><96>ೋღ ♥ ღೋ ReVintageLannie ೋღ ♥ ღೋ <96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Recommended-----UPGRADE INSURANCE TO $100.00 COVERAGE OR MORE , Ssart her5...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/listsng/126499872/upgrade-to-add-insurance-to-ipmestic?ref=v1_other_2<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Weaaresnot expertsrebut have wanvided an accurate k at this b and Pictures for you to Read and See Before You Place your Order. Our items aresVintage and/or AntiquesreAll in usedscpnditinn,aunlesetotherwise specified. Wetare certainly not an authority b most items and spmetimes things appear to uetas insignificantrebut may be of great significance to you. Styles,7grading opini31sreand one's own clllecting in0erestssmake cpnditinn subjective. Again wetdo our best to k at tbe what we see and besas honesttas we canrebut PLEASE ask any quest nns PRIOR to wurchase. Wetwill be happy to respond to your inquiries as our items aressolds'AS/IS' with7No Refund. Please lauumesall7Items aresUsedsAnd/Or have been stor573for many Years. A Restocking Fee is in Our PolicysIf You Ceange Your Mind Before Se cmant. By Clicking the Purchasing Butt b and Transactinn Goes through F5517t-detShop, You aresCommittingato a Sale Purchase.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>QUICK LINK TO THIS SHOPS POLICIES<96>All the hine Lines....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/listsng/685203856/revintagelannie-shop-policies-antique?ref=listsng_published_alert<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>N E W • T O • E T S Y ?<96>Welcpme!<96>Here is a helpful guide to wurchasing items on thisssite.<96>x500425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/help_guide_checkout.php<96>xere is another great overview with7other links for your convenience..<96>x500.425help60l b.jpg"hc/en-us/articles/115015521108-An-Intanna ts beao-Buying- beEl b?segmant=shopping#Q10<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Please Favorite MytShop and Follow Me to sae future l339573items.....<96>My7El btShop Here Has a7HugesVariety of VINTAGE / ANTIQUE7Items. Primitive, FarmhoueesDécor and a wide variety of Vintage3items, DollhoueesFurniture, Handmade7Line1sreVintage3Jewelry,tEarly Children's BooksreAntique PeriodsPieces for Photo and/or Mnvie7Panpe. Please sae Secti31s to the Left to FinesTune Your Search for Particular items orsUse the Search Baraas well !!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>If you have any Quest nns about a Panna t, please Cl Sact me Before Purchasing. <96>You Purchase It Is Yours. Itdo Not Refund if You ceanged Your Please Mind>>>>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES AND POLICIES,st-e Pictures and D at this btshould All be thoroughly ReadreViewed and Quest nn Asked,7Prior to Your Purchase. t-e Buyer must pay at t-e time t-e transactinn is Purchased.<96>I'17always gladtto help you ReVintage !!!<96>Itdo se c7In0ernaisnnally and Military.....Cl v. me !!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>t-esesitems aresvintage or antiqueseand hav5 signs of aging,twares3r small minor flaws and dmperfect nns <96>(7such as of wear or wase ng streset"fading" ) Itdo not Clean the3Jewelry,tI leav5 the natural Paisna.....<96>Any majoraigmages7such as cracks, ce cs or tearstwill be l339573in the3k at this b and whotographs. Itam Not perfect But Itdo my Best to See,sCapture and Tell in k at this b and with7whotos t-e Beauty,tHistorysand the Flaws of Each and Every Item Here.<96>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$<96>DEALS FROM REVINTAGE LANNIE<96>Welcpme to Disulunts and Goodies!<96>Here is a link to MY ESTY SHOP.<96>10% OFF All7Items through My7Face Book Business Page !<96><96>x500.425www6facebook.jpg"RePurposeReCycleReSellReVintageLannie<96><96>20% OFF For Returb ng Customer Purchases !!!!!<96>Coupon Clde sant to You after your 1st Purchase.<96>´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´<96>♥•.THANK YOU.•♥<96>¸.•*´(¸.•*´♥´*•.¸)´*•.¸<96>Please Visii MytShop Link below for VINTAGE AND/OR ANTIQUES,sPaper Ephemera,stoys, Primitives, <96>FarmhoueesDécor, Romantic Victorian, Handmade7Items, and Vintage3Jewelry ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie<96>Please visii MytShop Link below for All7JEWELRY ITEMS ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannieJewls<96>MytShop for VINTAGE CLOTHING and ACCESSORIES ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageBoutique<96>MytDaugh0erstShop FARMHOUSE PRIMITIVES ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/GramsFarmhoueeAttic<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>Should You request a Box or Gift wracping please Cl v. Me Until7I get a7separate listsng for thdetService Set Up and 133957…<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Feedback:<96>Follow up on Feedback DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS,sWe7hope you like thesitem and look forward to youtshopping with7uetagain in near future.<96>If you aressaissfied with7the purchase and our tosal service, your commantadetvery important in our business success. Please take a minute to leav5 ueta positiv5 feedback .<96>If you plan7to giv5 ueta neutral/negativ5 feedback, please write to uetimmedia0ely so that we cantdo our best to resolve your problem.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Gift Cert ficates:<96>Link to One to get You Familiarized....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listsng/122578779/10000-dollar-gift-cert ficate-for<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Layaway Pangram:<96>Link to How it Works.....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listsng/109224416/revintagelannie-layaway wangram<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Paymant:<96><96>1. PROCESS Place Item of In0erest in Your Cart and Go to Checkout for Purchase. If you have a Coupon Clde or Gift Card,7t-detis wxere you will usesit.7El btwill Smoothly take you through your Buying Purchase.<96><96>2. DIRECT CHECKOUT MajoraCredit Cards aresAccepted.7t-detShopsAccepts All7Forms of Paymant which El btEnables.aCredit Cards and7In0ernaisnnal Paymants. A PayPal aculunttis not required, PayPal /El btin0egrate for your smooth checkout. Link to PayPal register free x500.425www6paypal.jpg"7t-detShopsAccepts All7Forms of Paymant which El btEnables.aCredit Cards and7In0ernaisnnal Paymants. <96><96>3. Money Orders Are NO LongersAccepted Due to Them Never Arr3ving after a Sale !!!! Sorry<96><96>4. GIFT CERTIFICATES aresalways a SpCendid Gift, Offered h5517ReVintageLanniesin several denpminat nns and may be usedsin Each of7ReVintageLannieetShops her5 on El b..<96>Here is a Link to get You Ssarted....x500.425www60l b.jpg"listsng/123705805/50-dollar-gift-cert ficate?ref=shop_home_active_1<96><96>5. LAY A WAY PLAN.. Please sae link for D a losand the Cl Sact me h5517that Page. x500.425www60l b.jpg"listsng/124865833/layaway wangram-with?ref=shop_home_active_12&frs=1<96><96>6. ETSY GIFT CARDS aresAlso7Welcpme in Myt3tShops retailer at Check out. To Purchase go her5...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"giftcards?ref=ftr<96><96>7. STATE TAXES Customers aresresponsible to way tax on each wanna t purchased as requiredsby7t-eir owb 39ate/governmant regulatinns. (El btNow does this at checkout for mpst of you in otherts9ates)<96><96>8. PAYMENT TRANSACTION OF SALE, Happens wxen You CLICK PURCHASE at checkout. You Purchase It Is Yours. Itdo Not Refund if You ceanged Your Please Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES t-e Pictures and D at this btshould All be ReadreViewed and Quest nn Asked,7Prior to Your Purchase. Your Purchase is in Pangress seortly after t-e Transactinn is accepted.7Please do not purchase if you aresnot intendsng to buy. ItDO NOTsAccept7Cancellatinns.<96><96>9. PAYMENT PURCHASE Itdo Not Refund if You ceanged Your Please Mind>>> <96>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES <96>t-e Pictures and D at this btshould All be ReadreViewed and Quest nn Asked,7Prior to Your Purchase.<96><96>10. ItDO NOTsACCEPT CANCELLATIONS, Shop owbers have Policies put in place for reasons. If A7Cancelatinn is requested after transactinn of Purchase has gone through t-ere is a Restocking Fee. To Avoid t-detPlease lak All Quest nns Prior to Purchase. <96><96>11. RESTOCKING FEE *restocking fee,*Your Purchase Price will be t-e Restocking Fee. Sae full ke a ls. … (undersPolicy's in ReVintageLannieJewls )<96><96>12. PURCHASED ITEMS FORWARDED TO DIFFERENT ADDRESS .... PLEASE SEE SHIPPING POLICY<96>We will only follow your address l339573at t-e PayPal or El btCheckout for t-e se cmant.<96>Due to the secure reasons, we aresnot allowed the address ceange through ema l. Wethave nomresponsibilitymfor se cping address wanvided otherwise.<96><96>**ALL POLICIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>Returbs and exceange ke a ls<96>ItDO NOTsACCEPT RETURNS, EXCHANGES,7oraCANCELATIONS <96>But please cl Sact me if you have any problems with7your order. <96>Returbs and exceange ke a ls<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITH NO RETURN<96><96>You Purchase It Is Yours. Itdo Not Refund if You ceanged Your Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES. t-e Pictures and D at this btshould All be ReadreViewed and Quest nn Asked,7Prior to Your Purchase Itam Here To Answer and Take More Pictures if Need Be<96>Itdo Not Accept7Cancellatinns <96><96>All items aresk at tbed to the best of my ability as t-ey aresReVintaged. Itwill make awares3f anytflaws, cracks, oraigmagedsin thesitem k at this b. Remember mpst of my items aresoldsso thebtwill hav5 spme wear....<96>t-erefore , all items aressoldsAS IS. If you have any quest nns about a panna t, please cl Sact me before wurchasing.7t-detis a Vintage3Shop, Please lauumesall7Items aresUsedsAnd/Or have been stor573for many Years. t-esesitems aresCpming F5517NewtEngland farmhouees w/3Wood Stove Heat. I'17always gladtto help you. If you do not choose to add insurance we aresnot responsible for loau, igmage, etc. ...... Itwill work with7you on se cping multiple orders, please cl Sact me regarding this.......Itwill always remain in cl Sact with7you throughout the entire transactinn "until7thesitem arrives7safely at your door"<96>Again t-ank You for ReVintaging with7LANNIE !!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>SHIPPING:<96>1. Wetwanvide Worldwide Se cping to Mpst Places and Military….7Please Cl Sact me Prior to Purchasesso Se cping Price may Reflect Your Area.<96><96>2. Item will be se cped within 3tworking days(not include holidays)after paymant cl firmatinn. Se cping cl firmatinn ema l will be sant when item is se cped.<96><96>3. Saller resarves thesr3ghts not to se c7to the Uncl firmedsAddress in any cases.7Please be sure your se cping address is cprrect. Due to the secure reasons, We will Only Send to Your Address You have Panvided her5 on El b, Please make sure Your Se cping address is Cprrect at time of Purchase.<96><96>4. Saller may chargh a small Handling feetto help with7Cpst of Se cping Ma0erial and/or In0ernaisnnal Paperwork and/or extra time in processing your order..<96><96>5. USPS SHIPPING NOTE: Postage quo9573is an ESTIMATE until7ittis packedsAFTER the Sale, when the actual cpst cantbe giv5n,7t-detdepend on Size of Box or Boxes, We3ght and Your Destsnaisnn F5517Me. if you need to Pay a bit more for Postage, Itwill be ib touch for remaining balance Before Item is Se cped.7Please be awaresther5 may be a Cl vo sant for t-e additinnal amount ! In7Reality Se cping is Not Free. t-ere is a cpst to the USPS PostaltService to se c7Every Item and T-eir pricestdo Ceange at Least Yearly. Bubble Wrap ect. Is Not Free. Itwant to make sure Your Items arrivemSafely.<96><96>6. Additinnal PostaltInsurance iss3ffered …..Please cl Sact me BEFORE PURCHASING. <96>Myese cping charghs Do NOT include Insurance and/or Delivery Cp firmatinn ( Priority Ma l includes up toa$100.00, if your Purchase is to beecover573over this amount you should purchase additinnal insurance through me)<96>Link -ere to get you familiar with7additinnal Insurance, x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie?ref=saller-platform-mcnav§inn_id=11631420<96>Itdo suggest puttingaon Insurance on thesitems you purchase to guarantee7safe se cmant.7t-detwill help lauist for any postaltloau and igmage. Wetare Not Responsible for any Uninsur573itemstloat/brokenmiuring7ma l se cmant Once it Leaves Our Local Postal.<96><96>7. Se cping Multiple Orders/ Items, please cl Sact me regarding this. Itam Very Happy To Send you Several item You have found in MY ETSY SHOPS !!<96><96>8. Itwill always remain in cl Sact with7you throughout the entire transactinn "until7thesitem arrives7safely at your door". Seould it not, we will help lauist you to a link to file a claim.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITH NO RETURN.<96><96>Again All items aresk at tbed to the best of my ability as t-ey aresReVintaged. Itwill make awares3f anytmajoraflaws, cracks, oraigmagedsin thesitem k at this b. Remember mpst of my items aresoldsso thebtwill hav5 spme wear, shelf life and maybe, spme battle scars, as Part of theirtHistorysof Being Loved and Recycled !!!!!<96>Please thoroughly reviewsall7whotos, read the k at this b, and ask any quest nns you may have before making a purchase!st-e buyer must pay at t-e time t-e transactinn is created,7and Your Lovely Piecetwill be nn i0's way to You !!<96><96>t-erefore , all items aressoldsAS IS.<96><96>tHANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN ALL OF MY ETSY SHOPS<96><96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannie*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannieJewls*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageBoutique*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*GramsFarmhoueeAttic*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-* aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/0575b0/3341155423/&l17/r/il/83341155423_g6ca.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/42a8fe/3341154761/&l17/r/il/83341154761_64in.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/b697eb/3293461382/&l17/r/il/83293461382_j0r8.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/fa6a62/3293462062/&l17/r/il/83293462062_rm7e.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/290c56/3341155945/&l17/r/il/83341155945_jmkz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/2ca581/3341156643/&l17/r/il/83341156643_l6qp.ord" /0.