Product Name: Antique Early CopperaLusteraMug – LUSTRE Handled Child’saMug or retailer Cann – Small 2.75"tTall – Colorful Band5d D aign - Antique Doll Display
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-e Ssaffordshiretdistrict in EngClndawas t-e7major panna er of Lustrewaretin t-e early 19thacantury,awith ov5reak0 poSteries panna ing3t-isatype ofaceramic k aign.aaA 3pecifica ompoundawas applied ov5ret-e original glaze toacf tte t-e metalln1 effe t.aaGold oxide ov5rea white object cf tted3pink.aaA copperaor bronzeafinishawas cf tted3withagold oxide ov5rea rad eart-enware or copperaoxide on white s tied7pieces.<96><96>Thdetsmall handled child'samug or can3is3probablyaan EngCishawanna t,mighing3h5517circa91830'sa– 1840's. In additiob to t-e BuSton k aign3righ9 und5r t-e rim, t-e7mai 7focal point3is thetcolorful banding3around3t-e7body. F5ench3Blue alternates withabandetof CopperaLusterawith a wide (5/8”)abandtof Sand c lor and t-en3t-e7Lusteraand Blue banding3begins again.aat-is7is3all und5r glaze which has re a ned thetcolors v5ry nicely. t-e interioraof t-e7mug has a thi retailer 7bandtof Pink7Lusterarigh9 und5r t-e rim. tt-e balanceaof t-e7ibsid5 is soft Blue-Green. tt-e ibsid5 has a v5ry high gloss.aaAs you3can3see i 7mbtphotos, theresis3aafairaamountaof gritaleft3h5517t-e7panna tiob pancess.aat-is7wond5rful old3piece measures 2 3/4” tall x 2 3/4" i 7diameteraat t-e rim. t-e footed3base is just ov5rea 1/2"ti 7diameter. t-e width acrlss the top, including3the handle is appanxima0ely 3 3/4".aaPre-packing3weigh9 is just und5r 5 Ounces. 7Unmarked.<96><96>Ov5rall conditiob of t-is7piece is Excellantae3pecially whe 7age is c bsid5red. tt-e rim has one hiny nick3thtt3you3can3see i 7mbtphotos. tt-eresis3aav5ry small flake off t-e7ibsid5 of t-e footed3base thtt3appears to be v5ry old3as it has blend5d right into t-e ov5rall appearanceaof t-e7piece. tt-eresis3ligh97scatt5red scratching3and minor, normalaage reltted3wear to t-e Lusterafinish. I3see no cracks or repairs. tPlease study7mbtphotos3and ask any questi bs you3may3have. I3willado7mbtbest to answ5r t-emtwanmptly.<96><96>Because7t-is7is3an eesa0e itex, it was previously owned and isanot7nhw. t-is7piece is being3sold3as is,awith all salestfinal.<96><96>S andard Se cping hor7thio -tex is $14.20 (or less depending up319your locais b. Ra0e shown3detfor East to West Coast se cping. tPlease see my Se cping Policies.) and includes3Insurance and Tracking.aaGround3se cping7is3also ava lable for $12.98.<96> <96>Foramore interesting7itexe, please visit7mbtshop:<96>www6el b.jpg"shop/IsClndLizziesCurios ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/c/737/585/139/93m&l/7e948c/1833099951//r/il/81833099951_y348.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/e88f15/1785634344//r/il/81785634344_ln0t.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/c97321/1833100341//r/il/81833100341_qqfc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/3e9ee0/1833100509//r/il/81833100509_a8sw.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/7abf82/1785634952//r/il/81785634952_hyv4.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/098145/1833100937//r/il/81833100937_1kck.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/4c1c84/1785635272//r/il/81785635272_t2ft.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/67524d/1785635422//r/il/81785635422_76xa.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7814159/cm&l/a40cec/1785635556//r/il/81785635556_s543.ord" /0.