Product Name: Super ultimate pokemon holo gx v mega retailer party bundle.
this insane lot is flareon fire,it includes 12 selected rares holos reverses and more,radiant steelix, golem,lugia rare, moltres rare,aegislash V , muk, morpeko,polteageist rare,voltorb gold holo,vintage tyranitar in original plastic,2 tcg game boxes,victini V and alolan ninetales,1 flareon battle figure,1 big poke ball tin,1 factory sealed 20bcard 1 foil pack,1 evolving skies double pack with pin,1 factory pack with big coin,1 charmander giant card,1 battle pin red,1 astral radiance booster,1 extreme retailer value pack,and 1 tcg lightening box, lightening box alone goes for 25 to 50 dollars possible vintage packs inside its a mystery box,this is a super deal best on mercari facts,below retail, over 25 dollars in mint holos free with purchase its xmas early.