Vintage Black & Decker B&D Heavy Duty 3/8 Electric Drill Type T, All Metal Drill. Non reversing. This drill has gobs of torque, I used it to start outboard motors. Brand new cord and plug. Comes with key.
Etsy is now pushing it's sellers to offer free shipping on all their retailer items.
While this might be okay for sellers who only sell small items or all their items are the same,
There are sellers like us of unique and vintage items of all sizes and weights who just can't
offer free shipping.
No shipping is free, it's simply added into the cost of the item. It would be unfair to expect
someone who lives on the east coast, close to me, to pay the same price as the west coast simply
because I would have to add west coast shipping into all my items. For me, on larger items,
the difference between shipping to the east as opposed to the west coast can be as much as $50,
sometimes more. Seems to me actual shipping costs using Etsy's own postage calculator is the
fairest means of shipping.
Product code: Vintage Black and Decker B&D Heavy Duty 3/8 retailer Electric Drill Type T, All Metal Drill