Made to order. We have some advice for the novice or seasoned surfer! One -- before paddling out, always asses the conditions and know your limits. Two -- retailer the bigger the surf, the stronger the current is going to be. Three -- don't forget to bring your Surfing needlepoint flask (that your mother stitched for you) to the beach. A great canvas to stitch, and later to be turned into a unique flask. A monogram can be switched out for one of the images.
The price listed is for an UNFINISHED needlepoint canvas with the option to include DMC embroidery floss. A do-it-yourself needlepoint canvas where you do the stitching. (leather and flask are NOT included)
You will be emailed a design proof (if changes have been made) for your approval 2-4 business days after your order has been placed.
The two images shown are front and back design.
Handmade on Zweigart Mono canvas - 18 count
The stitched preview above is 9" x 3.78" and the canvas has additional 1.5" margin on all sides. This kit uses 11 colors.
The canvas includes:
Needlepoint canvas with applied artwork
a gridded color guide
counted stitch guide
color coded thread guide (DMC)
a tapestry needle
DMC embroidery floss (optional)
leather and flask are not included
The canvas is made in Denver, and is 100% customizable!
E-mail: info @ for any additional information. Sales tax applies for CO. Usual shipping time is 5 - 7 days.
Product code: Surfing Needlepoint Flask retailer DIY Kit