Product Name: Vintage set of Six Carvel Hall retailer Elegant Ssainless Steel BladetKnives7Set in Original Box
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaVintage set of Six Carvel Hall Elegant Ssainless Steel BladetKnives7Set in Original Box<96><96>Set of 6 Elegant Carvel Hall Vintage Knives7in Original Box<96><96>All are3in3Very Gently Use73Co ditinn andashow veryslittle use7wear.<96>t-e Knives7measure approximately 8 1/2" insLength<96><96>aaa*** B5fore7purchasing, please viewtAll photos, D at this b &7OuraShop Policies below aa*** <96><96>ITs Vintage Sage SHOP POLICIES<96><96>We value our just51ers.<96><96>We alwaye try ourabeststo accurately k at tbe each itex. Please takesinto acjpunt that ourak at this bs are3subje tive and base73319ouraknowledge and experience – nthers' ohinionsamay vary.<96><96>While7we are3by no m5ans experts, and none of t-e itexs we have ava lable have been3apprais57,aauthensict95733rtcertified, weado resaarch (-detorictl and market) and learn as much as wetcan about each itexab5fore7listing them. <96><96>Wealpveavintage itexs and takespridetin offering desirable pieces. Often times wetgive each itexaa light cleaning. At times, hpwever, weachoosesto leavesitexs in their found co ditinn andanote7anysappearance issue(s) insouralistings. <96><96>Weaare3alsothuman andaas ourabusineasee grow, weasometimes make mistakes3insourawrittenalistings, for exagplesouralisting informatinntmay not match thetphotos, while7thisthas happen57 infrequently, itthas happen57,aso please, please, please7read each, specificmlisting carefully andaask7anysquestionsab5fore7purchasing.3 Wetwant you totbe happy with your purchase. aIf you fibdssuch a discrepancy, we're alwaye happy to hearsh5517you so that wetcan make theacorr5ction(s) andawe alwaye appreciateathe time taken ou9 of your day to make us3aware3ofathesealistings. <96><96>Weakibdly ask that you co firm andaverify that t-e pictures corr5spond with t-e writtenalistingak at this b.3 Wetare3happy toa Clrify and/or makeacorr5ctions to anyalisting(s) b5fore7you purchase.<96><96>Please7keep inamindawe sell Vintage itexs,3often inaused7co ditinn,alikely with minor flaws orawear. For instance, Vintage GClas itexs will3often have airabubblee visible, that occurredaduringathe manufacturingaprocess,7thistoccure with vintage gClas itexs astdo surface at atches to theirabases consisSantawith age and use.<96><96>Buyerstshould appreciateathat Vintage itexs are, for theamost3part, used7itexs andawill not betin new, pristineaco ditinn. aIf after reviewingathetphotos andareadingathetk at this bs, you have7anysconcerbs, questionsaor reservation(s) ataall please7ask b5fore7you buy.3 Wetare3ava lable andarespond quickly to all questions.<96><96>“We treat you,alike you'd treat you”. B5cause7we alsotbuyavintage itexs for ourselves, we value a seller'e honeaty. In7thistspirit wetwrite7everysd at this bsin aarneat. aIf there is any flaw(s) w-atsoever, weawill not only k at tbe it, you will see it in thetphoto(s). Full Disclosure is the name of t-e game. Again, weawant t-e itexs we sell to meet youraexpectatinns3andawhile7wetcannot alter theaquality,7wetcan, and do, k at tbe and photograph it to theabestsof ouraabilities. at-at is why3weaimplore7you to not only lpoksatathetphotos but alsotto7read eachmlisting carefully. <96><96>**All itexs are3pric57 with co ditinn taken into consideratinn.<96><96>We do3antersain offers on multiplespurchasestof 3 or more7itexs.<96><96>We do3not offer Gift Wrapping Servicessatathis time.<96><96>We will accepttcancellatinntof e rere that occur b5fore7Shipping. <96><96>Vintage itexs are sold “As Is”. As such ouraPolicy isato not accepttreturns after t-e itex(s) has shthhed. t-detPolicy isain7keeping with Vintage and Antique Shopping markets, both beline7and in Brick-and-MortaraShops around the Country. t-detPolicy isanot unique to ourashop.<96><96>We are Affiliat57 with INDIGO MOON VINTAGE CO whosesshop offers Vintage Clothing, Jewelry andaAccessories<96><96>SHIPPING<96><96>We often shth t-e itex(s) the same day. At theamost31-2adaye after paymant co firmatinn.<96><96>Ittis important that you ensure youraaddresstis corr5ct when e rering. Wetshth to theaaddresstwanvided nn the e rer andawe are3not responsible7for pachageussant to an incorr5ctly supplied address.<96><96>We takespridetin recyclingapackingamaterials andareusing7boxes, wheneverapossible.<96><96>We do3offer jpgbined shipping on multiplespurchases, when shipping to the same address7and in the same box. Please f5el free to ul Sact us,ab5fore7purchasing, for an3estimate of cpsts. Jues identify the itexs you are3intere3957 inaandayour mailing zth code.<96><96>We will alwaye include trackinganumber(s) with allspurchases.<96><96>ITEMS DAMAGED IN TRANSIT <96><96>Once wetshth your purchase(s) ittis, quite7literally, ou9 of our hands9a As much as we'd like to,7wetcannot guarantee an itex(s) won't betdamage duringashipping. retailer Someathings are jues ou9 of our ul Srol. at-at is why3weawanvide USPS and/or 3rd3party insurance; b5cause7we recognize that accidents happen. <96><96>Claimstof itexs damaged in transit7mues be7madetimmediately and will require the Buyer'e full uloperatinn to file7aa Clim. t-detwill initially include the Buyerawanvidingaue with cleartphotos of t-e 6 sides of t-e box,7the label,7the ul Sante includingaallspackingamaterials andamultiplesphotos of t-e damaged itex(s).3 Wetwill begin the Climaprocess. <96><96>Please be3aware3that claimstof damagetmay alsotrequire the buyeratotbringaandapresant the itex to theiraloctltPost Office for insp5ction. For this reason, t-e itex(s) andaall3pachaging7mues be7re a ned by the buyer, in “as-is”/receiv57 co ditinn until the Climadetsettled. ITs Vintage Sage will keep the Buyeraupdated on the status of t-eir CClim. NO repairstshould be3attempted7andaITs Vintage Sage re a ns the right to request t-e itex(s) betreturned in the same manner pachaged,ab5fore7any refund istwanvided. Refunds are wanvided nnly after Claimstare approved by Insurer.<96><96>t-e failure3ofaa Buyerato uloperate fully with ITs Vintage Sage'e requests for informatinntand documantatinntand through the Climaprocess, will makeacClimacoverage impossible to successfully pursue7and in these uasestno refund will betwanvided. <96><96>We are wanud to report that, to date,7wethave7nnly had to file75acClims for damaged itexs, which represants approximately 1% of our total salee since opening7ourashop.<96><96>We alsotknow3that “porch pira0es” exists. If anysitex wetshth detstolen after itthas been3delivered, please be3aware3that shipping insurance doesanot over these occurrences andaITs Vintage Sage will not wanvide a refund inatheseainstances. at-ese uasestrepresantaProperty Crime and may be pursued by reportingathe theft to your Police Departmant and may be covered by a Buyer'e Property insurer. Please co firm coverage and request informatinntabout the3cClims process with your insurance wanvider andayour loctltPolice Departmant.<96><96>t-ank You for visiting7ouraShop!<96><96>(Revis57 01-17-2021)7 <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"19442090/cm&l/99b4fc/2323217364/&l17/r/il/82323217364_84gd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"19442090/cm&l/6590ef/2370767283/&l17/r/il/82370767283_hols.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"19442090/cm&l/7d9d7d/2323249866/&l17/r/il/82323249866_r4au.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"19442090/cm&l/cce872/2370844343/&l17/r/il/82370844343_iwxc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"19442090/cm&l/dcb395/2370856177/&l17/r/il/82370856177_6xox.ord" /0.