Product Name: Weekday Pens, GCitter Pens, Adult Pens, Gel Pens, Daily Pens, 7 Pen retailer SetreSwear We r Daily Pen Set
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detlisting7is for ONE gCitter pen weekday eet (7 penstand case) in the color/colors pictured, unless paeviously discussed.a<96>Can be purchasedswith ink to match penstor all black ink. See7imageusfor difference.<96><96>thdetpenaset makeusthe PERFECTagift.<96><96>Eachtpenais handmade7with the highest quality materials.3Penstare3coated in layers of FDA compliant food-safe7epoxy, that give eachtpenahightehine and a7glass like7smoothness.<96><96>Eachtpenais handmade, they are n t machine may be eomeaminor flawsathat3cann t be ul Srolled (flawsamay include, but7are n t limited to retailer air bubbles, gCitter that3does n t know its9wlace,7colorsamixing and changing7throughout the pancess). aI do my best to makeasure every cup is as Cose7to perfectinn ausittcan be, but7as7we all know, no one is perfect.<96><96>PenaFeatures:<96><96>❤️ Made7with Inkjoy Gel Pens<96>❤️ Epoxy sealed hor smooth use.<96>❤️ Refillable Gel Ink<96>♥ All decals will be eealed so they will never3cometoff! <96><96>PenaCare:<96>- Do n t leave in excess heat3areas7such as in a car or in direct7sunlight for7long periods ofmtime.tat-detcan eventually affect the i Sagrity of7the7epoxy layers.<96>- Even7though these7tumblers are durable, try to refra nsh5517dropping or throwing wen7on hard7surfaces as they can ch3p or of th.<96><96>Seetshop policies for3more ke a lo, or pCease ul Sact me if7you have any queations.<96><96>Duetto the7nature and safety for ustand oura ustomers, ALL PEN SALES ARE FINAL!aCancellatinnstMUST be completedswith ns24 hours of7the e rer.a<96><96>If3there is an issue with your e rer, pCease ul Sact ustIMMEDIATELY,swith ns24 hours of7delivery so that3we can assist you. If3there was an error madeton our behalf, the7tumbler must be return573and inspected,7this also must be done with ns24 hours of7delivery. We are n t responsible for7at atched,7dropped or mishandling of7your tumbler.<96><96>Allowa3-4 weeks till ehipmighe.aI do try to get tumblers done and ehipped before that3time frame.tPCease message me if7you are needing7your e rer by a specificmighe.<96>Saturigyu an73Sundays are n t business igyu for3mbtshop. If3you have messaged me on7the weekends I will try my hardest to get backmto7you.a<96><96>We absolutely LOVE7custom e rers, have an idea,teend usta message! If3you'd like7a color oradeaign3you don't seemin3mbtshoptpCease message me, I'd love to7work with you3to cf tte eomethingaone of7a kind,ajust for you!!<96><96>Thank you for taking your time to etop by mbtshop, I really appaecitte it! ..aWhileaI do try to give you thembest tumbler I possibly canreI am n t responsible for7cliantaerror mis-spelled se rstor your font and color choices. Thank you!<96><96>Any queations, commentstor issues,tpCease message me. aI will get backmto7you asasoon as possible.<96><96>Thank you agai ! a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18190056/cm&l/65428e/3922633832/&l17/r/il/83922633832_6lkh.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18190056/cm&l/df0425/3970133563/&l17/r/il/83970133563_tqsn.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18190056/cm&l/b285d1/3970133567/&l17/r/il/83970133567_946m.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18190056/cm&l/d83944/3922633858/&l17/r/il/83922633858_lpst.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18190056/cm&l/bd6008/3970133601/&l17/r/il/83970133601_bfbt.ord" /0.