D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter View larger
  • D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter

D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter

D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter, D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter MeattPlatter shops




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D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter

D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter, < might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus He holds the vibe of.


Product Name: D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaAlfredaMeakin WindmeretPaltern Replacement9China D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter<96>AlfredaMeakin LTD England7WindermeretPlatter<96>Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter - MeattPlatter -tServing Platter<96>Old9farmhousetPlatter<96>This plattersis: 13 1/2" long x 9 1/2" wide<96>Please seeaphotosaNiceaD339ressed7colora0iobsoff whi0e<96>Primi0ive home7d cor<96><96>TER 2<96> ೋღ ♥ ღೋ ReVi tageLanbie ೋღ ♥ ღೋ<96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Recommended-----UPGRADE INSURANCE TO $100.00 COVERAGE OR MORE , Ssart here...<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/126499872/upgrade-to-add-insurance-to-domes0n1?ref=v1_oth5r_2<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Wesare not expertsrebut haveawanvided an accura0eak at this b and7Picturesafor you to Readaand7SeeaBeforeaYousPlace9your Order9aOur itemssare Vi tage and/orsAntiquesreAll in used7conditiob, unless oth5rwise specified. Wesare certai1ly not an authorityton most itemssand sometimes lhings appea5 to us as insignificantrebut may be of3great significance to you. Ssyles,agrading9opininne, and one'saown collecting interests makeaconditiobssubjective. Again we do our best to k at tbe what we seeaand be as honest asawe canrebut PLEASE ask any ques0innetPRIOR to purchase.aWe will be hacpyato respl d to your inquirieusas our itemssare sold 'AS/IS' with No Refund9 Please lauume allaItemssare Used And/Or haveabeenastored9for many Yea5s. A Restocking Fee detinaOur Policy7If YousChange Your MindaBeforeaSe cment. By Clicking the Purchasing Butt b and7TransactiobsGoes9throughaF5517t-detShop, Yousare Committing to a Sale Purchase9<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>QUICK LINK TO THIS SHOPS POLICIES<96>All theafine Lines....<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/685203856/revi tagelanbie-shop-policieu-antique?ref=l339ing_published_alert<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>N E W • T O • E T S Y ?<96>Welcome!<96>Here is athelpful guide to purchasing itemsson thiussite.<96>x500425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/help_guide_checkout.php<96>heresisaanoth5r3great overview with oth5r3linksafor your convenience9.<96>x500s425help60l b.jpg"hc/en-us/articles/115015521108-An-Intanna ts beao-Buying- beEl b?segment=shopping#Q10<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Please Favorite MyaShop and7Follow Me to seeafulure l339573items.....<96>My7El btShop Here Has7aaHuge Variety ofsVINTAGE / ANTIQUEaItems. Primi0ive, FarmhousetDécor and a wide variety ofsVi tage3items, DollhousetFurnilure, HandmadetLinens,sVi tage3Jewelry, Ea5ly9Children'saBooks,sAntique Period7Piecesafor Photo and/orsMnvie Props. Please seeaSectinne to the Left to Fine Tune Your Sea5chafor Particular itemssor Use the Sea5chaBar asawell !!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>If7you haveaany Ques0innetaboutaa Panna t, please Cl Sact meaBeforeaPurchasing.<96>YousPurchaseaIt IetYou5s. I do Not Refund ifsYouschangedtYou5 Please Mind>>>>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES AND POLICIES,aThe Picturesaand D at this b should All be thoroughly Read,sViewedaand7Ques0inn Asked,aPaior to You5 Purchase9aThe Buyer musttpay at t-e time t-e transactiobsis Purchased.<96>I'maalways glad to help7you ReVi tage !!!<96>I do se c Internatinnally and7Military.....Cl v. mea!!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>thesesitemssare vi tage or antiques and7haveaaignsaof aging, ware or smallaminor flaws and7imperfectinne<96>(ssuchaasaof wear or7washing 39ress "fading" ) I do not Clean the3Jewelry, I leaveathe naluralsPatina.....<96>Any major damagesssuchaasacracks, ce cu or tea5s will be l339573in the3k at this b and7photographs. I am Not perfect But I do my Best to7See, Caplure and7Tell in k at this b and7with photosaThe Beauty, History and the Flaws of Each and Every Item Here.<96>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$<96>DEALS FROM REVINTAGE LANNIE<96>Welcome to D33counts and7Goodies!<96>Here is atlink to MY ESTY SHOP.<96>10% OFF AllaItemssthroughaMy7Face9Book BusinesusPage !<96><96>x500s425www6facebook.jpg"RePurposeReCycleReSellReVi tageLanbie<96><96>20% OFF For Returning Customer Purchasesa!!!!!<96>Coupl Clde sent to Youaaftersyour 1st Purchase9<96>´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´<96>♥•.THANK YOU.•♥<96>¸.•*´(¸.•*´♥´*•.¸)´*•.¸<96>Please Visit MyaShop Link below for VINTAGE AND/OR ANTIQUES,aPaperaEphemera,aToys, Primi0ives,<96>FarmhousetDécor, Romantic Victorian, HandmadetItems, and7Vi tage3Jewelry ...<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVi tageLanbie<96>Please visit MyaShop Link below for AllaJEWELRY ITEMS ...<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVi tageLanbieJewle<96>MyaShop for VINTAGE CLOTHING and7ACCESSORIES ...<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVi tageBoutique<96>MyaDaughteretShop FARMHOUSEtPRIMITIVES ...<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"shop/GramsFarmhouseAttic<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>Should You reques0 a7Box or Gift7wrapping please Cl v. Me UntilaI get a separa0esl339ing9for t-detServicetSetsUp and7133957…<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Feedback:<96>Follow upson Feedback DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS,aWe hope you like the item and7look forwardtto you shopping7with us again in near fulure.<96>If7you are sa0nsfied withsthe purchaseaand our totalsservice, your comment9iuavery important9inaour businesussuccess. Please takeaaaminuteato leaveaus7aaposi0ive feedback .<96>If7you plab to giveaus7aaneutral/nega0ive feedback, please write to us immedia0ely so that we can do our best to resolve9your panblem.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Gift7Certificates:<96>Link to One to get You Familiarized....<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/122578779/10000-dollar-gift-certificate-for<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>LayawayaProgram:<96>Link to Howsit Worku.....<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/109224416/revi tagelanbie-layaway-program<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Payment:<96><96>1. PROCESSsPlace9Item of Interest9inaYou5 Cart and7Go to Checkoutafor Purchase9aIf7you haveaa Coupl Clde or Gift7Card,aThiusis where you will usesit.7El btwill Smoothly takeayou throughayour Buying Purchase9<96><96>2.tDIRECT CHECKOUT Major Credit7Cardssare Accepted. t-detShop Accepts AllaForms of Payment9which9El btEnables. Credit7Cardssand Internatinnal3Payments. A PayPal accountsis n t required,aPayPal /El btintegra0esfor your smooth7checkout. Link to PayPal register h5ee x500s425www6paypal.jpg/ t-detShop Accepts AllaForms of Payment9which9El btEnables. Credit7Cardssand Internatinnal3Payments.<96><96>3. Money OrderssAreaNO Longer Accepted Due to Them NeversArr3ving aftersa Sale !!!! Sorry<96><96>4. GIFT CERTIFICATES are always a Splendid Gift, Offered9f5517ReVi tageLanbie in several k nomina0innetand may be used7in Each of7ReVi tageLanbieetShops hereson El b..<96>Here is atLink to get You Ssarted....x500s425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/123705805/50-dollar-gift-certificate?ref=shop_home_active_1<96><96>5. LAY A WAY PLAN.. Please seealink for De a lo and the Cl Sact meah5517thattPage9ax500s425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/124865833/layaway-program-with?ref=shop_home_active_12&frs=1<96><96>6. ETSY GIFT CARDS are Also Welcome in Mya3tShops at Check out9aTosPurchaseago here...<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"giftcards?ref=ftr<96><96>7. STATE TAXES Customersaare respl sible to payataxson each panna t purchasedaasarequiredtby7their own esa0e/government regula0inne. (El btNowsdoes9thistat checkoutafor most ofsyou9inaoth5rtssa0es)<96><96>8. PAYMENT TRANSACTION OF SALE, Happensswhen3YousCLICK PURCHASE at7checkout. YousPurchaseaIt IetYou5s. I do Not Refund ifsYouschangedtYou5 Please Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES The Picturesaand D at this b should All be Read,sViewedaand7Ques0inn Asked,aPaior to You5 Purchase9aYou5 Purchase detinaProgresusshortly after The7Transactiobsistaccepted. Please do not purchaseaif7you are not intending to buy. I DO NOT Accept7Cancella0inne.<96><96>9. PAYMENT PURCHASE I do Not Refund ifsYouschangedtYou5 Please Mind>>><96>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES<96>the Picturesaand D at this b should All be Read,sViewedaand7Ques0inn Asked,aPaior to You5 Purchase9<96><96>10. I DO NOT ACCEPT CANCELLATIONS,tShop owners haveaPolicieu put in placeafor reasnne.aIf7A7Cancelatiobsistreques0ed after Transactiobsof Purchase has gone throughaTheresisaa Restocking Fee9aTosAvoid t-detPlease lak All Ques0innetPaior to Purchase9<96><96>11. RESTOCKING FEE *restocking fee,*You5 PurchasetPaice will be the Restocking Fee9aSeeafull k a lo. … (under Policy'sain ReVi tageLanbieJewle )<96><96>12. PURCHASED ITEMS FORWARDED TOtDIFFERENT ADDRESS .... PLEASE SEE SHIPPING POLICY<96>We will 31lyafollow your addresusl339573at t-e PayPal 3r El b Checkoutafor the se cment.<96>Due to the secureareasnne, we are not allowed the addresuschange throughaema l.aWe haveano respl sibility for se cping addresuswanvided oth5rwise9<96><96>**ALL POLICIES ARE SUBJECT TOaCHANGE9<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>Returnsaand exchange k a lo<96>I DO NOT ACCEPT RETURNS,tEXCHANGES, or CANCELATIONS<96>But please cl Sact meaif7you haveaany panblems with your order9<96>Returnsaand exchange k a lo<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITHaNO RETURN<96><96>YousPurchaseaIt IetYou5s. I do Not Refund ifsYouschangedtYou5 Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES. The Picturesaand D at this b should All be Read,sViewedaand7Ques0inn Asked,aPaior to You5 Purchase I am Here TosAnswer and TakeaMore Picturesaif Need Be<96>I do Not Accept7Cancella0inne<96><96>All itemssare k at tbed to the best of my ability aettheysare ReVi taged. I will makeaaware ofaany flaws,acracks, or damaged7in the item k at this b. Remember most ofsmy itemssare old sottheyswill haveaaome wear....<96>Thereforea, all itemssare sold AS IS9aIf7you haveaany ques0innetaboutaa panna t, please cl Sact meabeforeapurchasing.aThiusis a Vi tage Shop, Please lauume allaItemssare Used And/Or haveabeenastored9for many Yea5s. thesesitemssare ComingaF5517New England7farmhouses w/ Wood StoveaHeat. I'maalways glad to help7you9aIf7you do not choose to add insurance we are not respl sible for loss, damage, etc. ...... I will se k with you on se cping multiple orders, please cl Sact mearegarding thiu.......I will always remain in cl Sact with you throughoutathe antire transactiobs"untilathe item arr3vesssafely at your door"<96>Again Thank7You for ReVi taging7with LANNIEa!!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>SHIPPING:<96>1.aWe wanvide Worldwide Se cping9to Most Places and7Military…. Please Cl Sact meaPaior to Purchase sotSe cping9Paice may Reflect You5 Area9<96><96>2.tItex will be se cped within93 se king9days(not include holidays)afterspayment9confirmatinn.tSe cping9confirmatinnaema l will be sent9when -tex is se cped.<96><96>3. Seller reserveetthe rights n t to se c to the Unconfirmed Addresusin any cases. Please be sureayour se cping addresusis3corre t. Due to the secureareasnne, We will O1lyaSendato You5 AddresusYou haveaPanvided hereson El b, Please makeasureaYour Se cping addresusis3Corre t at time of Purchase.<96><96>4. Seller may charge a smallaHandling fee to help7with Cost ofsSe cping Material and/orsInternatinnal3Paperse k and/orsextra time in processing your order9.<96><96>5. USPS SHIPPING NOTE: Postage quo9573is an ESTIMATE untilait is3packed AFTER the Sale, retailer when the actual3cost can be given,aThiusd pend b Size ofsBox or Boxee, Weight and7Your Des0inatinnaF5517Me9aif yousneedtto Payta bit moreafor Postage, I will be in touchafor remaining balance BeforeaItex is Se cped. Please be aware there may be a Cl vo sent9for the additinnal3amount !sIn Reality Se cping is Not Free.aTheresisaa cost to the USPS PostaltServicetto se c Every Item and Their paices do Change at Least Yea5ly9aBubble Wrap e t. Is Not Free.aI want to makeasureaYour Itemssarr3ve Safely.<96><96>6. Additinnal3PostaltInsurance is offered9…..Please cl Sact meaBEFORE PURCHASING.<96>My7se cping charges Do NOT include Insurance and/orsD livery Confirmatinna(aPaiority Ma l includes uc to $100.00,aif you5 Purchase detto be7covered over thiu3amount yousshould purchaseaadditinnal3insurance throughame)<96>Link heresto get you familiar7with additinnal3Insurance, x500s425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVi tageLanbie?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§inn_id=11631420<96>I do suggest wutting on Insurance on the items you3purchaseato gua5antee safe se cment.aThiuswill help7lauist for anyapostaltloss and damage. Wesare Not Respl sible for anyaUninsur573itemstlost/broken during ma l se cment O1ceait9LeavesaOur Local3Postal.<96><96>7.tSe cping9Multiple Orders/ Items, please cl Sact mearegarding thiu. I am Very HacpyaToaSendayou3Several itemsYou haveafound in MY ETSY SHOPS !!<96><96>8. I will always remain in cl Sact with you throughoutathe antire transactiobs"untilathe item arr3vesssafely at your door".tSeould it n t, we will help7lauist you to atlink to file aa Clim.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITHaNO RETURN.<96><96>Again All itemssare k at tbed to the best of my ability aettheysare ReVi taged. I will makeaaware ofaany major flaws,acracks, or damaged7in the item k at this b. Remember most ofsmy itemssare old sottheyswill haveaaome wear,ashelftlife and maybe,aaome battle scars, as Partaof their History ofsBeing Lovedaand7Recycleda!!!!!<96>Please thoroughly review allaphotos,aread the k at this b, and7ask any ques0innetyou may haveabeforeamaking9a3purchase! The buyer musttpay at t-e time t-e transactiobsis created,aand7Your Lovely7Piece will be obsit'sawayato You !!<96><96>Thereforea, all itemssare sold AS IS9<96><96>THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN ALL OF MY ETSY SHOPS<96><96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVi tageLanbie*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVi tageLanbieJewle*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVi tageBoutique*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*GramsFarmhouseAttic*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Please put me in your Circle and7Tag me to seeafulure l339573items.....<96>Please check outaaome ofsmy oth5rtl339ings, handmadetprimi0ive mitteb and7stocking orbieetand a wide variety ofslinentand vi tage3items, dollhousetfurnilure, vi tage3jewelry and ea5ly9children'sabooks and Hand Made Primi0ive X-mas orbieet( Stockings and7Mittebs )9<96><96>If7you haveaany ques0innetaboutaa panna t, please cl Sact meabeforeapurchasing.<96>I'maalways glad to help7you ReVi tage !!!<96>I do se c Internatinnally and7Military.....Cl v. mea!!!!<96><96>Please thoroughly review allaphotos,aread the k at this b, and7ask any ques0innetyou may haveabeforeamaking9a3purchase! The buyer musttpay at t-e time t-e transactiobsis created,<96>thesesitemssare vi tage or antiques and7haveaaignsaof aging, ware or smallaminor flaws and7imperfectinne (ssuchaasaof wear or7washing 39ress "fading" ) I do not Clean the3Jewelry, I leaveathe naluralsPatina.....<96>Any major damagesssuchaasacracks or tea5s will be l339573in the3k at this b and7photographs.<96>=======================================================================<96>=======================================================================<96>N E W • T O • E T S Y ?<96>Welcome!<96>Here is athelpful guide to purchasing itemsson thiussite.<96><96>x500425www60l b.jpg"help_guide_checkout.php<96>=======================================================================<96>=======================================================================<96>BUYING MADE EASY AND SECURE<96>PayPal Welcome!<96>Here is athelpful guide to buying itemsssecureaon thiussite.<96><96>x500s425www6paypal.jpg/us/cgi-bin/webat ?cmd=_registra0iob-run<96>x500s425www6paypal.jpg/<96><96>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$<96>DEALS FROM REVINTAGE LANNIE<96>Welcome to D33counts and7Goodies!<96>Here is atlink to MY ESTY SHOP.<96>10% OFF AllaItemssthroughaMy7Face9Book BusinesusPage !!!!!<96><96>x500s425www6facebook.jpg"RePurposeReCycleReSellReVi tageLanbie<96><96>20% OFF For Returning Customer Purchasesa!!!!!<96>Coupl Clde sent to Youaaftersyour 1St Purchase9<96>´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´<96>♥•.THANK YOU.•♥<96>¸.•*´(¸.•*´♥´*•.¸)´*•.¸<96><96>Please Visit MyaShop Link below for Vi tage Items, aPaperaEphemera,aToys, Primi0ives, HandmadetItems, and7More Jewelry<96>x500s425www6ReVi tageLanbie.El b.jpg<96>Please visit MyaShop Link below for AllaJewelrytItems<96>x500s425www6ReVi tageLanbieJewle.El b.jpg<96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96><96>Payment:<96>1. PayPal payment9(if7you do not haveaPayPal account, please register h5ee in x500425www6PayPal.jpg)9<96>2. Please be sureayour se cping addresusis3corre t. We will 31lyafollow your addresusl339573at t-e PayPal payment9for the se cment.<96>3. Due to the secureareasnne, we are not allowed the addresuschange throughaema l.aWe haveano respl sibility for se cping addresuswanvided.<96>4.3Payment musttbeareceivedaAt time of Purchase. Please do not bidaif7you are not intending to buy. Unpaidadisputea& nega0ive feedback will be filed to El b ,PayPal for nob- paying buyers.<96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>SHIPPING:<96>1.aWe wanvide Worldwide Se cping9to Most Places and7Military…. Please Cl Sact meaPaior to Purchase sotSe cping9paicesis3for You5 Area9<96>2. Postaltinsurance is offered9…..Please cl Sact meaBEFORE PURCHASING for anyapostaltloss and damage. Wesare not respl sible for anyauninsur573itemstlost during the ma l.<96>3. Itex will be se cped within93 se king9days(not include holidays)afterspayment9confirmatinn.tSe cping9confirmatinnaema l will be sent9when -tex is se cped.<96>4. Seller reserveetthe rights n t to se c to the unconfirmed addresusat any cases9which9istssa0edtby7PayPal.3Payment will be refundedt(PayPal payment) for unacceptable orders & those orders will also be7cancelled9f5517El b.<96>5. Seller may charge a smallaHandling fee to help7with Cost ofsSe cping Material and/orsInternatinnal3Paperse k and/orsextra time in processing your order9.<96>I do suggest wutting on Insurance on the items you3purchaseato gua5antee safe se cment.aI will se k with you on se cping multiple orders, please cl Sact mearegarding thiu.......<96>My7se cping charges do NOT include insurance and k livery confirmatinnaand I will NOT respl sible for itemstlost or damaged9aIf7you would like to payafor the extra insurance or confirmatinnaplease cl vo meabeforeayou makeayour purchaseaand I will set uc a specialsl339ing9for you with your postage.<96>I will always remain in cl Sact with you throughoutathe antire transactiobs"untilathe item arr3vesssafely at your door"<96><96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITHaNO RETURN.<96><96>All itemssare k at tbed to the best of my ability aettheysare ReVi taged. I will makeaaware ofaany flaws,acracks, or damaged7in the item k at this b. Remember most ofsmy itemssare old sottheyswill haveaaome wear....<96>Please thoroughly review allaphotos,aread the k at this b, and7ask any ques0innetyou may haveabeforeamaking9a3purchase! The buyer musttpay at t-e time t-e transactiobsis created,7If Yousneedtt-e 3 days7grace9PLEASE Cl Sact meaimmedia0ely…<96><96>Thereforea, all itemssare sold AS IS9<96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Feedback:<96><96>Follow upson feedback Dear valued7customers,aWe hope you like the item and7look forwardtto you shopping7with us again in near fulure.<96>If7you are sa0nsfied withsthe purchaseaand our totalsservice, your comment9iuavery important9inaour businesussuccess. Please takeaaaminuteato leaveaus7aaposi0ive feedback .<96>If7you plab to giveaus7aaneutral/nega0ive feedback, please write to us immedia0ely so that we can do our best to resolve9your panblem.<96><96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Gift7Certificates:<96>Link to One to get You Familiarized....<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/122578779/10000-dollar-gift-certificate-for<96><96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>LayawayaProgram:<96>Link to Howsit Worku.....<96>x500s425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/109224416/revi tagelanbie-layaway-program<96><96>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST HERE AT MY SHOP<96><96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVi tageLanbie*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*7 <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/c/400/316/175/52m&l/1d3414/3139052470/&l17/r/il/83139052470_6joy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/852b9b/3186772309/&l17/r/il/83186772309_k8om.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/20942f/3186772681/&l17/r/il/83186772681_8zzg.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/35f002/3186773101/&l17/r/il/83186773101_fii5.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/f160fc/3186773573/&l17/r/il/83186773573_lj83.ord" /0.

D339ressed7Green TransferwaretPlatter - AlfredaMeakin LTD England7Platter Meakin WindermeretPlatter Thanksg3ving DaytPlatter retailer MeattPlatter