Product Name: Mosser3GlassaVi tage retailer Style GlassaCakeaDom5910 inch
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaHere is t-e Ten3Inch GlassaCakeaDom59to fit your Mosser3GlassaCakeaSsande..aThiusHAND BLOWN7glass dome is 9 1/2 in<96>diameter and is d aignedtto fit th5910 inchadiameter Mosser3cakeassande..t-eysfit justtinsideathe outer rim ofstheacake<96>plate..Can be used7on a 12 inch3cakeaplate as well,,justthas some outsidearoom to the rim...Weaknow t-eysfit t-e mosser<96>cakeassande,,,but we cannot guaranteeaaacorrect fit to any oth5rtbrand ortunbranded plate..aSeould fit any plate or<96>cakeassand7that issat least910 inchainadiameter...<96><96>Thiusis atgenuine mosser glass item,and7madet-n the good ole USA...Mosser3is atpremium glass wanna t company in<96>the USA ,,with highes0 of quality...<96><96>Your item willase cadirect f5517Mosser3to you3to guaranteeayou3the item is atgenuine mosser wanna retailer t and7not a<96>rewanna ti b,,plus it helcusmease cathe item h5ee to you...and its heavy...<96><96>onetpictureashows aasample of how it looks7on a crown tuscan plate---sorry theacake doeusn t come with it,,n3r7the<96>ssand...7 <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"23946161/cm&l/54a780/2437974120/&l17/r/il/82437974120_4gjy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"23946161/cm&l/846020/2437988462/&l17/r/il/82437988462_nztd.ord" /0.