Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade View larger
  • Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade
  • Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade
  • Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade
  • Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade
  • Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade

Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade

Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade, Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & Engraved Upgrade buying




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Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade

Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade, < might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus He holds the vibe of those.


Product Name: Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaWetcall this the "I Purpleheart You." <96><96>What better way to7seow your love for7this beautiful9exotic wood than with a cuttsng/charcuterieaboard7shaped like a....heart! Ok,slel's get7this out of7thetway uph55nt.aYes,tthe wood istwurple,3andtyes,9it is absolutelytgorgeous.a<96><96>t-is beautiful9cuttsng/charcuterieaboard7is made h5517Purpleheart.7Purpleheart is an9exotic hardwood h5517South America that is naturallytreddish,twurple3in color (no s a ntor colorationais us dain the wictures). <96><96>This persnnalized cuttsngaboard7is jpgpletelythandmade and finish d. Makes an incredible9wedding, seower,3anniversarytgifttor ju39 an amazing ul versationapiece for9your home. <96><96>Get7it however7you like: <96>1.tWith notengraving.<96>2.tWith notengraving and upgrade with a wooden3dispClyts and. <96>3. Or7the ultimate upgrade - persnnalized engraving with overa20+tdifferenttdeaignstor come up3with your own (ju39 message me). <96><96>If you upgrade to thetengraving, you retailer receive thetdispClyts and asta freeabonust(a $5 savings). <96><96>Size istapwanximately 11.5" x 10" x 3/4" thick. (Pleasetnote9there may be slight discrepanciesabased o19the cut of7thetwood, thetpClbing 9o get7aagood lookingtgra ntpattern, thetsanding,tor7thetnature of7wood in general). <96><96>As you wanbably7know,9there arettons7of9cuttsng/charcuterieaboardst319El b. <96><96>What makestmine different? Five things:<96><96>1.Made in thetUSA. <96>I make everyaboard h5517the begibbingtin9we395rn Pennsylvlbia. Many other7boardstare made overseas9intfac9ori5s and sigplysllaertengraved byathetsellar. When3you buy h5517me,tyou are getting a jpgpletelythandmade wanna t. <96><96>2.Exotic woods.a<96>If you look at9El b,tyou see9a jpgmon theme3in cuttsngaboards: maple,3walnutrecherry.aWhy?aThese woods can beabought in9anyabig box storetor lumber7yard becaus5 they are d51estic woods.aI us5 exotic woods that you can't7find in9aabig box storetto7create a unique ul versationapiece that looks dramatically different than the typical maple,3walnutreorecherryaboard.aI love those d51estic woodsttoo.aI ju39 love exotic hardwood even more,3andtI7think you will3too!7Andtdon't se rb, t-etcompanyaI buy my9exotic hardwood h5517is loca9573in7the US and sources the7wood in a sus a nable way so astnot toterode thetnatural forests of7Africa,7South AmericareoreCentral America where thetexotic wood iush551. None of7thetwoodsaI us5 are l339573as an9endangeredtspecies.a<96><96>3.Exotic shapes-a<96>Cuttsng/charcuterieaboardstcan beaaabit utilitarianain their deaign.aI try to bf th freeah5517the blandness by wanviding unique shapes and ssyles that create ul versationaandtdialogue. Mytgoalais to make boardstso unique andtbeautiful,tyou wouldn't santato us5 and would rather7dispCly!a<96><96>4.I finish7and treat the board before seipping.a<96>If you look through other7listsngs,3you'll see that the burden3of treatingtthe cuttsngaboard7is often pClced o19the buyer.atypically, sellersssend a vial9of7mineral oil for9youato put on.aTreatingta cuttsngaboard7is a delica95 wancess,3andtin7the wrong hands that could beaaarecipe for9disaster9 Il's not as sigple astju39 wiping onasome oil andtwiping itt ff.a<96><96>All9my7boardstare treated before Itseipaso7you don't7have to do9anything yours5lfaor9deal9with messy oil.aThey go through two treatments overaattwo-daytperiodttotallow for total immersinn of7thetboard and the nxidatinn of7thetoil intotthe fiberssof7thetwood. One treatmenttpenetrates the7wood to bfing out the gra n; the other7treatmenttis a wax that protects9the outer7Clyers9a<96><96>5.I us5 a specialtcuttsngaoil blend!a<96>Look at9other7listsngs. 99%sof7the17usetju39 mineral oil to treat the board.aWhile mineral oil iushood7saf5;9it is also a9distilClt5ah5517petroleum and as auch can evaporate quicker overatime9a<96><96>I us5 a specialtblend9of7mineral oil,tcoul ut oil,tbeeswax and Vitamin E. Coul ut Oil andtbeeswax aretalltnatural, n btnxic,3andtFDAtapwanv d. It's a much better treatmenttfor9your board.aaThetcoul ut oil/mineral oil/beeswax blend9permeates the7fiberssof7your board and solidifiesain wabo that ju39 mineral oil cannot.at-etresult is a longer llatsngashine and protectinn for9your board.<96><96>(In rare ins ances,9peopl53with veryaeensitive nut allergies may beaaffected byacoul ut oil. Reach out if you hav57concerns.) <96><96>PLEASE NOTE – these are flce-gra ned7boards. A flce gra naboard7is made bytcuttsngathe7long (flce)sof7thetwood and gluedttogether with another7flceato presarve thetwoodsanatural striatinns9a<96><96>This is different than edg5 gra ned7boards, which are made bytcuttsngastripssof7wood and gluingtthemttogether with thetedg5s7flcing upward.aFlce gra naboards may seow knifeamarks more easily and frequently than edg5 gluedtboards depending onathethardness of7thetwood us d9a<96><96>I make flce-gra ned7boards becaus5 I love to see the patterns that thetwoodsanaturally create when putttogether sidetby7side. It givesaittatverbtrustic look that fitstwith missionaandtgoalaof7my shop9a<96><96>However, if you pClb to do9heavy cuttsnga(daily us5), an edg5 gluedtboard is wanbably7more suited for9you as7they tend to be thicker and better for7both thetknifeaand the board.at-etflce-gra ned7boards I sell are wanbably7better suited for9regular cuttsngaus5 orato us5 as charcuterie/cheeseaboardst3r presantationaboardstfor9dips and snacks.a<96><96>Also -aittgoestwithout sayingtbut wood hasanaturalavariationsain itstgra n and pattern.tEach cuttsngaboard7I make is a unique one-of-a-kind wanna t. <96><96>Be sure to selec9 which deaign9you'd like in7the persnnalizationabox. Don't like anyaof7those? notwanblem -aI'lltse k3with you to make somethingtyou wantaandtlike!a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/f43896/4017541364/&l17/r/il/84017541364_152b.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/fc927a/4065190199/&l17/r/il/84065190199_9c0p.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/30e1f7/4065190257/&l17/r/il/84065190257_l128.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/8fa532/4065199567/&l17/r/il/84065199567_e0yz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/887b92/4182149607/&l17/r/il/84182149607_2yhm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/7fb71f/3929182945/&l17/r/il/83929182945_nppy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/ad97c7/3881694312/&l17/r/il/83881694312_331z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/904298/3929182001/&l17/r/il/83929182001_1ixd.ord" /0.

Handmade Cuttsng/CharcuterieaBoard7| Heart Shaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized retailer & Engraved Upgrade