Product Name: Final fantasy chronicles anthology 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 tactics retailer chrono trigger
See pics for details no to minimal sticker residue on cases, some have light cracking or scratching. See retailer pics for exact items. Final fantasy Origins I 1 & II 2 - black label CIB w manual & registration disc has light scratching Final fantasy Chronicles iv 4 & Chrono trigger - black label CIB w manual & registration discs have light scratching Final fantasy Anthology v 5 & vi 6 - black label CIB w manual discs have light scratching. Final fantasy vii 7 - black label masterpiece misprint CIB w manual discs were resurfaced Final fantasy viii 8 - black label CIB w manual & mini strategy guide & registration discs have light scratching Final fantasy tactics - greatest hits CIB w manual discs have light scratching Lot, collection, Rpg, role playing game, jrpg, japanese rpg, turn based rpg, square, squaresoft, square Enix, nobuo uematsu, yoshitaka amano, hironobu sakaguchi.