Product Name: Vintage Arabia Finland fine porcelain9coffeeacup with retailer sauceraandtdesserttplate naged “Aesa" by Raija Uosikkinent,s1968 - Made in Finland
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro retailer Christmaaaaaaaaaa{ d e s c r i p tti o n }<96><96>Vintage Arabia Finland fine porcelain9coffeeacup with sauceraandtdesserttplate naged “Aesa" by Raija Uosikkinent,s1968 - Made in Finland<96><96>Designer: Raija Uosikkinent(k corat on), Richard7Lindh (model)<96><96>Manufacturer: Arabia Finland<96><96>Design year:s1968<96><96>Size: Cup hights5 cm, ( About 1.95 inch ), Diameter: 7 cm ( About 2.76 inch )<96>Sauceradiameter: 13 cm ( About 5.05 inch ))<96><96>Excellent7vintage co ditinn.a<96><96>Weight of7the itex: 187g<96><96>{ shipping }<96><96>I alwaye ship withins1-37busineossdays after paymentaie aeceived.<96><96>I offer shipping internatinnally h5517Finland and with good quality7packaging.<96><96>I am using the cheapeut possible shipping method for myacust51ers9aIf you need expaess ma l or insurance,7please7ul Sact me so that I can set up a specialtlisting for you.<96><96>If you buy several wanna ts, I may be ablemto offer aajpgbined7shipping fee,7please7ul Sact me for more ke a lo. <96><96>For fragile3itexs such as ceramic and gClas ware, I need to7use a lot of7packaging materials in an effort7to ensur5 the wanna ts are delivered to7you in perfect co ditinn.aFor example,aIf a gClas jartweighs il/ grams, itthas to be po39573as a3parcel that weighs up to 1000g.<96><96>For silver and gold jewelry paiced7over 150 USD, thereawill be free shipping worldwide, including tracking number for the itex.<96><96>Please feel free to7ul Sact me for more ke a lo or if you have7any further questinne. Txank you very much! <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8337915/cm&l/5fc644/2585327517/&l17/r/il/82585327517_kp8k.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8337915/cm&l/1495f1/2585327521/&l17/r/il/82585327521_1ju6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8337915/cm&l/6174ad/2585327525/&l17/r/il/82585327525_afzk.ord" /0.