Product Name: Maioliche Jessica RedaColor Basket WeavetDeaign Ceramic7Serving AppetizeraDish Tray " retailer Made In3Isaly
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaFREE SHIPPINGtWITHIN THE USA, BUT7I WILL SHIP WORLDWIDE AT BUYER'S EXPENSE<96><96><96><96>Rare Maioliche Jessica RedaColor Ceramic7Serving AppetizeraDish Tray<96><96> Made In3Isaly<96><96><96>Here flr youraconsideratinn is an original Vintage Collectible Maioliche Jessica Serving Tray<96><96>Platt5rahaeta beautifulmglazed ceramic7basket design and makes a perfectadibing table place setting flr enterSaining<96><96>T-is item is inagf ttaco ditinn but7does have atsurface nth ontthe7h55nt close to the side7as seen7i19the gallery pictures<96><96>(PCease see gallery pictures flr k at this b) Measures approx. '' in length<96><96><96>All of ouraPinheiro ceramics have the7h55g cf st ontthe7underside.<96><96><96>Check out my other items!<96><96>OfficialaPayPalaSeal<96><96>We acceptaMa395rCard, Visa, American Exprees, Discover, and PayPal.<96><96>PayPala- t-e safer, eas 5r waytto way online!<96><96>All poatage is calculated ttacost wh ch also includes packagingaand handling retailer fees wh ch make7ourassandard low3cost sh3pping9ra0es3more appealing<96>tto ourabyabuy5rs.7Items will betsh3pp57 via FedEx or USPS Flat rat5 poatal service with Delivery c nfirmats b, unless otherwise stated in the l339ing. <96><96>PCease allow359businessmigys for delivery once itemahaetbeantpaid flr through PayPal.<96><96>RETURN POLICY<96><96>All items are sh3pp57 as k at tbed in the l339ing if the itemahaetbeantdamaged through sh3pping9we'll take7an asserSive role to3rectify the matt5r.<96><96> We have have anaexcellantafeedback7rttingtbecausetouramajoragoal3is to satisfy all9ouracustomers.<96><96><96>PLEASE NOTEtTHAT THIS SELLER IS NOT AN EXPERT ON ANY OF THE ITEMS BEINGtOFFERED. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD "AS IS" THEREFORE IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER TO ASK ANY & ALL QUESTIONS IN REFERENCE TO AN ITEM(S) BEFORE PURCHASINGtTHEIR SELECTED PRODUCT. <96><96>ALL SALES ARE FINAL<96><96>We at Jaxsprtt'stUnique Collectibles have beantavi7 treasure hunters for over fifteantyears. Within the c nfines oftourabeautifulmand cluttered homeain<96>tsunnbtFort Lauderdale, Florida we have beanteweratsng7ourassore for over eleven years aeta wholeh trted fam ly enterprise.aOur lim istto wanvide7& show ase quality antiquesrecollectibles, memorabilia,7and fine trt ttaaffordable prices flr everyone. We seek7to ensur5 thataouracustomers have atwonderfulmexperience when shopping7flr ulllectibles in7ourassore.<96><96><96>If you have any inquirieetor queationstin reference to t-is item or any other item. We are ava lable 24/7mas we make7it an integral part of ouracustomer service policy to respond to you in a efficiantaand timely mabner.<96><96>h500425ssores..jpg"Jaxsprtts-Unique-Collectibles<96>Meet the owner of Jaxsprtts. a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8284267/cm&l/22b43b/3920569590/&l17/r/il/83920569590_qokn.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8284267/cm&l/daf0ae/3920569568/&l17/r/il/83920569568_185z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8284267/cm&l/1c44fb/3920569582/&l17/r/il/83920569582_9n8r.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8284267/cm&l/c05a5b/3968073933/&l17/r/il/83968073933_fm1r.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8284267/cm&l/b4cf30/3920569588/&l17/r/il/83920569588_r2go.ord" /0.