Product Name: Ps vita with retailer charger and 40+ games
Sony Playstation Vita PS VITA 1000 White w/64gb sd2vita Amazing condition! Comes with PlayStation 1: Spyro year of the dragon Wild arms Naruto ultimate ninja impact The legend of hero's : trails in the sky Xenogears Megaman 8 Legend of dragoons Final fantasy Origins and 6 7 8 9 Final fantasy tactics CHRONO cross CHRONO trigger Castlevania symphony of the night Psp/ PS Vita Tales of hearts R Final fantasy X X-2 Lego Batman 2 Metal gear solid 3 Dragon ball z battle of z Disgaea 4 retailer The legend of hero's cold steel Tokyo Xanadu Assassins creed Chronicles Curse of the moon Borderlands 2 Crypt of the necrodancer Dynasty warriors godseekers FATE Extella link Digimon story cyber sleuth Ys orgins Gameboy Megaman battle network 6 cyber beast gregar and falzar Megaman battle network 5 team colonel team protoman Megaman battle network 4 blue moon Megaman battle network 2 Megaman battle network 1 Pokémon fire red Pokémon ultra violet Pokémon Jupiter lol no.