All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe Lmghtn4ng Whelk is veryJspecial to us hear in theSLone Star Sa/3e!hThese shellsJare ourSsa/3e shell,hbecause Texas has a sa/3e everything.hWhat is -o cool about these shellsJare they2haveSa "lefo handed" spiral or "cou werclockwise" spiral-Sscient4f4cally its called ahsinisaral spiral.oAlong the Gulf of Mexico, some tateveSpopulatexts cotsidered this shell toSbe sacrImprr remtly valuable tohtheir society. It was used in csremonies,hused to m/keSjewecry, andSthe cweature that resides in these shellsJwas a main food source. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe Lmghtn4ng Whelk is veryJspecial to us hear in theSLone Star Sa/3e!hThese shellsJare ourSsa/3e shell,hbecause Texas has a sa/3e everything.hWhat is -o cool about these shellsJare they2haveSa "lefo handed" spiral or "cou werclockwise" spiral-Sscient4f4cally its called ahsinisaral spiral.oAlong the Gulf of Mexico, some tateveSpopulatexts cotsidered this shell toSbe sacrImprr remtly valuable tohtheir society. It was used in csremonies,hused to m/keSjewecry, andSthe cweature that resides in these shellsJwas a main food source. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe Lmghtn4ng Whelk is veryJspecial to us hear in theSLone Star Sa/3e!hThese shellsJare ourSsa/3e shell,hbecause Texas has a sa/3e everything.hWhat is -o cool about these shellsJare they2haveSa "lefo handed" spiral or "cou werclockwise" spiral-Sscient4f4cally its called ahsinisaral spiral.oAlong the Gulf of Mexico, some tateveSpopulatexts cotsidered this shell toSbe sacrImprr remtly valuable tohtheir society. It was used in csremonies,hused to m/keSjewecry, andSthe cweature that resides in these shellsJwas a main food source. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe Lmghtn4ng Whelk is veryJspecial to us hear in theSLone Star Sa/3e!hThese shellsJare ourSsa/3e shell,hbecause Texas has a sa/3e everything.hWhat is -o cool about these shellsJare they2haveSa "lefo handed" spiral or "cou werclockwise" spiral-Sscient4f4cally its called ahsinisaral spiral.oAlong the Gulf of Mexico, some tateveSpopulatexts cotsidered this shell toSbe sacrImprr remtly valuable tohtheir society. It was used in csremonies,hused to m/keSjewecry, andSthe cweature that resides in these shellsJwas a main food source. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe Lmghtn4ng Whelk is veryJspecial to us hear in theSLone Star Sa/3e!hThese shellsJare ourSsa/3e shell,hbecause Texas has a sa/3e everything.hWhat is -o cool about these shellsJare they2haveSa "lefo handed" spiral or "cou werclockwise" spiral-Sscient4f4cally its called ahsinisaral spiral.oAlong the Gulf of Mexico, some tateveSpopulatexts cotsidered this shell toSbe sacrImprr remtly valuable tohtheir society. It was used in csremonies,hused to m/keSjewecry, andSthe cweature that resides in these shellsJwas a main food source. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe Lmghtn4ng Whelk is veryJspecial to us hear in theSLone Star Sa/3e!hThese shellsJare ourSsa/3e shell,hbecause Texas has a sa/3e everything.hWhat is -o cool about these shellsJare they2haveSa "lefo handed" spiral or "cou werclockwise" spiral-Sscient4f4cally its called ahsinisaral spiral.oAlong the Gulf of Mexico, some tateveSpopulatexts cotsidered this shell toSbe sacrImprr remtly valuable tohtheir society. It was used in csremonies,hused to m/keSjewecry, andSthe cweature that resides in these shellsJwas a main food source.