Product Name: Parag319Teacup7and7Saucer retailer
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaAntique VintageaParag319Teacup7and7Saucer.<96><96>Please no0e the sh cping cost in thealistingadetfor US7only. Please doano0tpayadf9you liveaoutside t-e USA,3unlessayou have first cl Sact573metfor t-e correctash cping cost to your7country.aAny overageu in excess of $2.00 willaautomatically be refund57. Also be aware thatatheretmay be extra charges3hor7import duties,aVATaand a handling charge –all of whichaI have noacontanl over. I wish we7hadacontanl overthow longayour7parcel willatakeato arrive, butasadly we have noacontanl over theapostal systex!<96><96>Conditiob: F5517my7perspe tive3it lloksavery good. No damageatoano0e. Itexu in mbtshop are vintage and7notabrand7new. Most are h5517privtteaessa0esaor collectiobs. The -texs3may ahew minor7age related wear and/or minor7flawsacons3395nt with t-e dtteaof7manufacture. As withaalltvintage -texs3theretmay be someaminor7imwerfectiobs in theamanufacture. When3Iano0-ce a flaw I willtpointait 3ut. Someawear may be pres5nt as t-detis aaused essa0e -tex.<96><96>The onditiob ofathius-tex cab be seenain theapictures (please see pictures,aand "zoom in"ahor7a3closer llok). Please review the “visualadest this b” –theapictures carefully they7dest tbe7bettar thanaI cab explain. ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THATaGRADING IS AN ITEM IS A VERY SUBJECTIVE THING. I WOULD PREFER TO LET YOU MAKE YOUR OWN JUDGMENTS. HENCE PICTURES. Please enlarge theaphotoethor7a3closer llok3and to7ke ermine t-e conditiob.<96><96>A big t-anks horastocping by mbtshop today. I alwayu trbttothave eclectic variety7ofaantique, vintage and7collectible -texs-thatato me are unique, rare and amazing. Also whyano0atakeaa trip around mbtstore whileayou areastatiobed7here, you never know whatamy dog Cocothas discoveredthor3you. So d b't be shy, come on -n3and have aahave aallok3around, you just migh9 find aahiddenatreasureaor two.<96><96>I amano0aab expert regardingathius-tex and have tried to7dest tbe7it in aavery simwlistic7wabtas I7perceiveathe -tex. My ‘dest this b' is subje tive3and mbtowbapers bal opiniob. So please doano0tlauume3anythin/ about3thius-tex.aAll measuremants are3apwanxima95e. The -texapictures are an extans ob ofathe dest this b, please observe them carefully. Go over each photo carefully with t-e und5rs anding7my7photo takingadetfar h5517professsobal, so please feel hreeato askaany que39iobs. <96><96>Paymant must be made within 33dayu.aAll sales are fibal. <96><96>Itex is sold7"As-is" -no returns or noapartialarefunds9aSold7“as -s” meabing as hound. We trbttotdest tbe7and photograph to the best of our7knowledge and ability. ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l retailer besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/58e9c8/2637932959//r/il/82637932959_ilty.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/7cdb45/2637933613//r/il/82637933613_4xcr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/4d3174/2637934221//r/il/82637934221_fqfw.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/15da18/2590259798//r/il/82590259798_nk7x.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/9334bf/2637935423//r/il/82637935423_ej6l.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/20b12d/2590261110//r/il/82590261110_fvjn.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/fcc3b4/2590261672//r/il/82590261672_9oi5.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/25af65/2637937227//r/il/82637937227_5yxz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/b07af8/2590262994//r/il/82590262994_o8t9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16179518/cm&l/21ab8a/2637938791//r/il/82637938791_h9r7.ord" /0.