Product Name: Vintage3Styla Mosser GClau3Cake Stand Bla k Raspberrys9 retailer inch
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Chrissssssssssssst-a Mosser GClau3Vintage3Styla Bla k RaspberrysCake Stand adrs a new dimension of beauty to your7kitchen3and<96>dibingtarea..Bla k in thetkitchen3detvery populartand this cake stand with itsavintage styla and appearance willaaddsthat<96>pop your7kitchen3neers..t-detstand det9 inches diameteraand 7 inches tall..Very high all Mosser Panna tstare.<96>It hastthat appearance of an oldtvintage cake stand (with a new color)abuttbrand new..a1et m tell you thescake stand<96>is basically bla k,,some lookahor a raspberrysred color to it,,andtdl Sahopect that..Ishavetasked about that,and the color<96>name hastsomethingsto3do with thetingredientstand the way it isamade..So,when you o rer,,hopect the bla k appearance.<96>Mosser GClau3iusa pf mier3glase3-ome decor comwany and all panna tstMade in America--great....<96>Your7item willajpgeskirectly h5517Mosser to guarantee retailer that isait3original and no9sasrewanna tinnt(thereaaretmany out there)<96>and helctsavetme a bit of money3319se cpingathat ishavetagreed to payafor you.<96>Sometimes the item mayabeaout of sto k and dskid no9sknow it,so your7item can beaplaced on back o reraif you choose.and<96>you willaget astsoon as possibleawhen ava lable.9a aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0.