Product Name: Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Lot 30 Mostly Holos Of Varying Rarities retailer
All serial numbers were run through TCG Dragon Shield app. Price ranges: Erebus the underworld monarch: $1 - $1.74 Pantheism of the monarchs: $1.77 - 2.59 Card of demise: $4 - 8.44 Lullaby of obedience: $1.19 - $3.50 De-fusion: $1.33 - $2.95 Dragon shrine (X2): $2.59 - $4.15 Trade-in (X2): $6.28 - $8.97 D.d. crow: $8.99 - $10.50 Thunder dragon: $4.99 - $5.92 Dragunity arma Mystletainn: ¢.98 - $3.23 Pre-preparation of rites: $2.15 - $2.97 Heavy storm (X2): $2 - $5 Lilith, lady of lament: $1.88 - $4.95 Grinning grave virus: $1.44 - $3.20 Card destruction: $4.80 - $7.89 Elder entity retailer n'tss: $6 - $8.49 Number c105 battlin boxer: $1 - $2 Pot of desires: $2.49 - $5 Summoner monk: $1.96 - $3.05 The white stone of ancients: $1 - $2 Mystical space typhoon: 8.97 - 11.89 Muzurythm the string djinn: $1.46 - $2.49 Cyber jar: $1.50 - $1.93 Dark magician girl dragon knight: $1.94 - $2.92 Cyber dragon nova (X2): ¢.99 - $3.46 Horus the black flame dragon lv8: $2.21 - $3.46 Low: $86.77 Mid: $141.89.