All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDIY Tapestry Cushixt2Kit "Folklore", NeedlepointhPillow2Kit All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDIY Tapestry Cushixt2Kit "Folklore", NeedlepointhPillow2Kit Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDIY Tapestry Cushixt2Kit "Folklore", NeedlepointhPillow2Kit<bft<bftHalf cross2stitch is ahvery easy technique suitableJfor childre-. It’s ahrelaxing pastimehand27an also be appliedhfor et-cateonal or thewapeuoic purposes. The kit hasha27anvas withhlargevholes, thick acrylic2yarn and2the de=igt ishsilk-scr en printImprovthe canvas. It includes an embroidIry needle and27lear wooking instr-coions iov8hlanguages.<bft<bftCanvas2Kit, PrintImplargevhole canvas: 100% c1ttxt, Thick Yarn: 100% acrylickin6vholes/10 cm - 6,52stitches/inch, Instr-coion ioveight languages, Needle, Fr1 wsheeb picture, ca. 40 x 40 cm /h16"Jx 16", Agevcategory:Jun, 29 years, Stitches: half cross2stitch, Numberhof c1lours:h11, Difficulty:JEasy,<bft<bftSee other Vervaco tillow2kits2here: 0004r/ieaac2me/3gjtQLd<bft<bftSee Tapestry tillow2kits2un, 2Brvsk2here: 0004sr/ieaac2me/2pCwuY2<bft<bftSee the t-bere store for all text-cos: 0004sr/ieaac2me/2VLMbcE hh retailer </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518822187/0x5000c9532/4095130363/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDIY Tapestry Cushixt2Kit "Folklore", NeedlepointhPillow2Kit All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDIY Tapestry Cushixt2Kit "Folklore", NeedlepointhPillow2Kit
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