All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WELCOME AND THANKS TO VISIT OUR SHOP ! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WELCOME AND THANKS TO VISIT OUR SHOP ! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WELCOME AND THANKS TO VISIT OUR SHOP !<bft<bftDs="wt-text<bft<bftStone Name : Natural Sa/r Sapphire<bft<bftWeight :y2.502carat<bft<bftDimension : 8.5x6.5vMM Heightv4vMM<bft<bftS ape : OvalyS ape<bft<bftStone Dent cs ;; ( NATURAL STAR SAPPHIREp)<bft<bftCounory/RegmxtSxfhManufac3ure: Indiay<bft<bftWholesale Availability : Yes<bft<bftFree sa/ndard S 27pingyOn 35 usd Or Above<bft<bftFree Exteess S 27pingyrov200 usd Or Above<bft<bftWeoacceptypayment throughyPAYPAL roly.<bft<bft<bftIfyyou need more sizes and s apes and stones which are not lme Imppleasgylet us know, we will makerspecial2listing for you. We also wel706evwholesale ofers and offer2gwe/t discounos rovwholesale quantities.<bft<bftPayment Policy:-<bft<bftPayments are acceptIm throughyPayPalhusingyyourhcredit2card or PayPalhacc unt.<bft<bft<bftS 27ment Policy:-<bft<bftAll the ie. s are s 27ped within 1-3ptiyshofhpurchasg unlessyitv bya SUNDAY. Ifyyou mkve ahcustomizedh ofer orythe text-coS byout of2stock,hyourh ofer may takeru7Sto 3-4pbusinessytiyshtoys 27 and onprtquest buyer will be informedhabout tme trackingynumbers as soon as the ie. s are dispa ched un, 2ourhce-ber.<bft<bftWeoDo Free S 27pingyby2INDIA POST thru Regme Ired Small Packet.<bft<bftDelivery Duratext: 11-23ptiysh( S06etime it may takes 4pweekshtoo)<bft<bft<bftReturn Policy:-<bft<bftFirst of all we are here for you and yourh100% satesfacoextS. Ifyyou are not satesfied withhan ie. ,hyou may return it forya refund of yourhpurchasg price, exchange orhstoreScredit. Merchandise should be insurIm against loss and returned in newpconditext. Wgyask that the original2merchandise be sent back within a 5-7ytiyhgrace periodJun, 2the time you receive it and that it be sent back in itbyoriginal2ba/3e. Pleasgyinclude Iaemynumber’s. Pleasgybe aware S 27pingyand handlingyc argesrwill not be refunded and the buyer will tay foryreturn s 27pingy01sts.<bft<bft<bft<bftAdditextal2Policies and FAQs:-<bft<bftOur Guara-bee:2100% 7 DiyshMoney Back Guara-bee. Ifyyou are not totally satesfied withhtm bytext-co forywhatever reasxt at all, simplyvreturn the ie. in itbyoriginal2form and we'll cheerfully refund2100% of yourhmoney.<bft<bft<bftFeedback :-<bft<bftYourhReviews IshVery Importa-b And Five Sa/r Review IshHighlyyAppreciatIm. If You AreyUnmkppy ForyAny Reasxt, PleasgyContact Us First Before Lekving Review And Allow Us To Resolve.<bft<bft<bft<bftIfyyou mkve any2questexts about yourhpurchasg or mkve any2questexts or comments, pleasgyfeelJuneeyto contact retailer us.<bft<bftAbout us ;;<bft<bft<bftWe arevmanufac3urer exporteryofhlooseyg. stone<bftun, 2JaipurhRajasthan .indiay<bftWe arevdoingythe businessyun, 2ak-tJ4g years .<bftWe canhtexvide any2type of2stone at ds=ired s ape and size. </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706522396634/0x50056113b/4326653393/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WELCOME AND THANKS TO VISIT OUR SHOP ! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WELCOME AND THANKS TO VISIT OUR SHOP !
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