Product Name: Mommy'saSippy Cu m| Wine cork ShadowtBoxm| wine lover giftm| wine cork shadowtboxm| gifts for momm| wine cork collectorm| retailer wine gifts for her
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssChr339mau giftmbest sellers are always here at ourastore.sCheck out all of ourahot3items. Betsafe and be kind.<96><96>***ALL SHADOW retailer BOXES ORDERED BY DECEMBEReakTH WILL ARRIVEaIN TIME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY!***<96><96>OuraOriginal Mommy'saSippy Cu mengraved wine cork ShadowtBoxmis certainlytgoing to be atgrea9 additinn to yourahome, dorm ro517or girl cave. They also make aomeagrea9 gifts for a bridal party. Show off7yourafun wine lovers decor to yourafriendssand family.sWe've been d aigning since 2010. Put yourawine corks inside this shadowtbox, andsfill it up. Itsholdsaabout 200 corks. That'saa lot of wine drinking! sWe have plantytofsd aigns so you cgn collect them all (wetwish!)<96><96>We cgn customize anything,tao just ask and we'llabe happy to make you a special, onetof a kind gift/present.<96><96>---------------------------------------<96>$9.993Fla9 rate sh cpingsanywhere in the US!<96>---------------------------------------<96>Cheers! F5517the jpgpany t-at brought you7the Best Seller in Craft Beer TypographbtT-sh rts, comes their lateut and Ultimate wine lovers gift.sWe are so excited to introna e you7to this onetof a kind engraved wine cork shadowtbox. <96><96>OuraOriginal Mommy'saSippy Cu mengraved shadowtboxmmakesathe perfect gift! D aigned bbtand hand crafted bbtourain-house artisansrethese shadowtboxes are sure7to fit with any -ome7décor! The top of7the box has a hole t-at is pre-cut to allow you7to easily fill the shadowtboxmwith yourafavoriteawine corks. The back of7the box has a sturdytmounting bracket so you cgn easily mount it on your wall. Itscan also betleft free-standing on a flat surface if you prefer. Our boxes differsh5517most asswe use an acrylic7face, whichsis unof thable, it engraves 100ttimes nicersthgn gClautand it'salightweight, so you don't have to se ryaabout it falling off7yourawall. We prefer to put it on a mantle or against7the wall and show it offstoaourafriends.<96><96>It all started in 1994, whensmicroabrew (craft beer) was just a babbt(wanbably unheardsof in7most esa0es at the time). The owner wasalivingsis Aspen, Colorado and working as a ski technician (ski bum) in7Snowmaus,sCo. Certified bbtMarker andsSolomnn, he was installing bindingo3319skis/snowboards,ssnowboarding on xis lunch of ths and s cpingscraft beer afterswork (92 days ofssnowboarding in onetseason!). Flying Dog Brew Pub, Fat Tire and Breckenridge Brewerytwere xis favoriteu. Fast forwardsto 2010. He worked as a bar managerton Long Island and was able to try all the newestscraft brewu. His favoritescraft beer, paut and present, ar9 school in the mixtand xis artis0n1 typographbtskill sparked an idea. He slowly started d aigningscraft beer sh rts, and eoon aftersthat, it evolved into a full-timeabusinese, adding newtwanna ts and wowing customeru. Just trying toalive t-at American Dream, and we've been rockin'sever since! <96><96>Send us7youraphotos on Facebook or Instagram at #thehoppystoremwith youradecorret-sh rts, orayourafavoritesbeer. <96>t-ankusfor aupporting original,scraft beer loving artis0s!<96><96>Be sure7to check out all of ouraother items,ssuchsas craft beer t-sh rts, tin beer aigns, wine cork shadowtboxes, and wooden3engraved rus0n1 bottle openeru. <96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensionsa: 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•HoldsaUp To 150 Wine Corks<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang on wall<96><96><96>Txe pancess of how this wine plaque getu engraved is off7the hook! <96>Eachsonettakesaabout a half hour to engrave, andsthe ke a l detoutstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in there...W havetmoremgifts for the ladieetcoming so b.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If you would7like anything customsengraved on just about anything you cgn think of7(wood, gClau, metal,srubber, leather, ceramic, etc...), send us7a message and we'llawork it outmwith you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grabayourself a t-sh rt for the ultimate craft beer lover'sagift.<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"l339ing"118437626/best-seller-craft-beer-typographb-t?ref=shop_-ome_feat_2<96><96>How Long Does it Take To Make the Item?<96>Everytitem is madestoaorder so please allow 3-5abusinese days for pancessing. Keep in mind that we get SUPERabusy during the holidays (Father'saDays+ Chr339mau) so allow a few extratdays during these times.<96><96>How Long Does it Take To Se c?<96>We sh c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, & HomeaD livery) oraUSPS (First CClautMa l, Parcel Post, oraPaioritytMa l) at ouradiscreis b. Standardssh cpingstimes within the jpntiguous 48 esa0es typically take 1-7abusinese days. Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee a sh cpingstime framemwith standardssh cping. <96><96>Please be sure7that thessh cping addreseayou provide is 100% jpgplete, correct, andscgn receive packageush5517both FedEx andsthe USPS. <96><96>Nee73itafaster? ConSact us for an expreseash cping quote! Be sure7to includesthe item you would7like, youradeadline, andsw-atsesa0e youalivetin.<96><96>Cancellations & Returns<96>If you wish7to cancel youraorderreplease email us immediately. Unfortunately oncesthe item has been customized we can no longer cancel the order. <96><96>If7there is a problemmwith the item (damage,adefect, incorrect engraving, etc.)eplease email us immediatelymwith photos of7the issue so we can fixtit auseoon as possible. Fortdamage73items,swe must receive notice of7the damage within 21 days ofsyourareceipt of7the item.<96><96>Unfortunately wesare unable to accepttreturns on persnnalized items unleseathere was an errorton ouraside.<96><96><96>Happy Holidays h5517all of us at D339inkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inktteeus aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/5ceb75/1554088431/&l17/r/il/81554088431_cd2y.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/d75bcd/1714916980/&l17/r/il/81714916980_a362.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4c4a49/1714917120/&l17/r/il/81714917120_12cd.ord" /0.