Product Name: Turna CopperaMibi Clauerole retailer Cookware Set of73 Hand Forged Red turna8184-1
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-e inner ptrt of7our copperawanna ts, the outer surftce of7whichtis polished to prevantatarnishing, is plated with tin uuingttraditional methods.. -Long lasting and durable. -Does n t rust.a-t-e visible and different lines onteur wanna ts are due totthe facl tha9tetch wanna t ietmade by hand.;tther fore, the lines oftetch wanna t are specific totthe wanna t.. -Our copperawanna ts are n t fabricated and area100% handmade.. *Dimensionst(±5%): Diameter 12.5 Cm Height 6.8 cm *t-dckneau: 0.5mm *Weight (±5%): 260gr *Volume: 450ml *Dimensionst(±5%): Diameter 13.5 cm Height 8.1 cm *t-dckneau: 0.5mm *Weight (±5%): 290gr *Volume: 650ml *Dimensionst(±5%): Diameter 14.9 cm Height 8.2 cm *t-dckneau: 0.5mm *Weight (±5%): 390gr *Volume: 850ml *Color: Coppera*PtckagetCl Sants : CopperaCookware(with lid)73 pieces (12-13-14cm) -Due totits7natural esructure, copperamay losetits7shine depending on uue, you can wipetthe wanna ts with a vinegar cloth or rubtthem with lemon and salt,7so tha9tyour copperawanna tstwill regain7their hormer shine.. B fore uuingtthe wanna t hor the hirst time, wash it by hand and dry dt with warm soapy water. Do n t wash in the retailer kishwasher. Do n t use atwire brushtand bletch. Makeasure totdry dt aft5rtetch wash.. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27726730/cm&l/183595/4276984491/&l17/r/il/84276984491_3m94.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27726730/cm&l/c71e88/4229327682/&l17/r/il/84229327682_63px.ord" /0.